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move mod problem!


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Hei, i got this problem... A few days ago i d/l jedistyle1.1 cuz i read the mod is very good. I just couldn't because my op was so f***ed up that i couldn't install Jedi (some idiot error).

Anyway here i am with reinstalled windows and Jedi Outcast. I copied the mod in base folder and started multiplayer game with bots. When it starts to load, my cursor apears and the whole process stops -> restart is the only solution. If this does not happen it returns me to windows with the whole windows brightened up.

I removed the mod and the game loads/runs perfectly. It only seems to be affected by mods that alter the move animations.

So I tried it without this kind of mods and after a while i realized that ghoul2 and sabertracesaberfirst weren't modified. I tried to do that but the commands don't seem to be "known" in the game.

So i ask you : Please do you have any ideea why this is happening???

The only explanation i have is that the mods have ghoul2 enabeled but since the command doesen't work the game crashez

This is kind of stupid but i really need to fix this thing


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