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Need Help Getting Duel_SE Mod Working Under Linux


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Hello all. I emailed nitemare and he responded that he has never tried it under linux and to try here, so here goes :) I am trying to run this mod under linux and it does not want to start up. I can successfully run other mods so I know that the problem is not my install of the game or my jk2ded binary.


When I go to start the mod I issue the command


./jk2ded +set fs_game Duel_SE +exec duelse.cfg


duelse.cfg is the config file that I created for the mod. I tried editing bfa.cfg which comes with the mod, tried having it use server.cfg tried it with just ./jk2ded +set fs_game Duel_SE


Nothing works. This is all I get:


--- Common Initialization Complete ---

logfile opened on Sun Jul 21 10:17:54 2002


Opening IP socket: localhost:28070

Opening IP socket: localhost:28071



execing duelse.cfg

Hitch warning: 898 msec frame time is the internal ip of the game server. It only has one nic. I have the firewall nattting it to the public ip and I also have the firewall forwarding port requests on 28070 to the internal ip. Adminmod and vanilla jk2 servers work fine. No lag, lots of players.......


Here is the cfg file that I created for the mod. Anyone see anything that might help?


//Server Name and Admin Stuff

seta sv_hostname "Gentoo Linux 1.04 Saber Only FFA"

sets Administrator "DaNameLessOne"

sets Email "danamelessone@netscape.net"

sets Location "New York, NY"


//Server Options

seta g_syncronousClients "0"

seta sv_allowdownload "1"

seta sv_floodprotect "1"

seta sv_maxclients "12"

seta sv_maxRate "10000"

seta sv_minPing "40"

seta sv_maxPing "250"

seta sv_timeout "150"



//Rcon Password

seta rconpassword "mypasswd"


//Saber Damages ???


saber_yellow 60

saber_yellowbsmax 70

saber_bluebsmax 70

saber_redbackmax 80

saber_bluespmax 20


//Game Options

seta g_saberLock "1"

seta g_forceRegenTime "400"

seta g_inactivity "320"

seta g_dismember "100"

seta g_saberLockFactor "2"

seta g_saberTraceSaberFirst "0"

seta g_saberDmgDelay_Wound "0"

seta g_saberDmgDelay_Idle "50"

seta g_statLogFile "statlog.log"

seta g_saberghoul2collision "0"

seta bot_enable "0"

seta bot_minplayers "2"

seta capturelimit "0"

seta fraglimit "30"

seta duel_fraglimit "10"

seta g_privateDuel 1

seta timelimit "20"

seta g_friendlyFire "0"

seta g_password ""

seta g_weaponrespawn "1"

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531"

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531"

seta g_forcePowerDisable "0"

seta g_forcerespawn "1"

seta g_ghostRespawn "3"

seta g_gametype "0"

//set g_intermissionTime ""

seta g_allowvote "0"

seta g_logsync 1

seta g_log server.log

seta logfile 1

seta g_maxGameClients "12"

seta sv_privateClients "1"

seta sv_privatePassword "myprivpasswd"

seta g_teamAutoJoin "1"

seta sv_pure "1"

seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

seta g_doWarmup 1

seta g_warmup 60

seta g_automapcycle "0"

seta g_forceBasedTeams 0


//Damage Control

saber_bluebsmax 40 20

saber_bluebsmin 15 2

saber_bluespmax 20 20

saber_bluespmin 5 2

saber_blue 30 35

saber_yellowbsmax 50 25

saber_yellowbsmin 16 2

saber_yellowspmax 30 30

saber_yellowspmin 20 2

saber_yellow 60 60

saber_redbsmax 70 30

saber_redbsmin 20 2

saber_redspmax 120 30

saber_redspmin 15 2

saber_redmax 90 90

saber_redmin 30 2



duelffa 1

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Ok, the first thing I noticed in you cfg is you have enable bots set to 0 and botminplayers set to 2, 1 doesn't work with out the other.

Now for the important stuff in the mod, these values are incorrect:


//Damage Control

saber_bluebsmax 40 20

saber_bluebsmin 15 2

saber_bluespmax 20 20

saber_bluespmin 5 2

saber_blue 30 35

saber_yellowbsmax 50 25

saber_yellowbsmin 16 2

saber_yellowspmax 30 30

saber_yellowspmin 20 2

saber_yellow 60 60

saber_redbsmax 70 30

saber_redbsmin 20 2

saber_redspmax 120 30

saber_redspmin 15 2

saber_redmax 90 90

saber_redmin 30 2


Each line only sets one variable, example:


saber_bluebsmax 40 20


should be either:


saber_bluebsmax 40


saber_bluebsmax 20


The previous line would set bluebs max damage to the damage value you specify. Only one value for each.

Let me know if your still having trouble.


One other thing, these do the same as above:


//Saber Damages ???


saber_yellow 60

saber_yellowbsmax 70

saber_bluebsmax 70

saber_redbackmax 80

saber_bluespmax 20


I can tell they are from the bfa.cfg, which is what nitemare sets as the default damages for the mod and is only a partial list. The full list is your damage control section, just need to change it to one variable each. Also don't forget you can set kick damage and kick knockdown to. the cvars are:

wdam_kick this sets damage per kick

kickchance this sets percentage chance that a kick will knock you down 0-10. 5 is 50% chance.


BTW, I figured out my problem with the disconnects and unpure clients. It's Lyksys's crappy dmz function, once I did port forwarding instead the problem seems to have disappeared.


Thanks for your help with that.:)

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Hey Blackfire, I am glad that you figured out your hosting problem :) I got rid of my Linksys in favor of a Linux flavored firewall :D due to some weirdness it was giving me with the server.


As for the mod. I made the changes that you suggested using only one value for the damages. I didn't catch that bot error :eek: thanks for pointing it out :D


It still will not start up though. It halts at the exact same spot. It is really perplexing.


--- Common Initialization Complete ---

logfile opened on Sun Jul 21 10:17:54 2002


Opening IP socket: localhost:28070

Opening IP socket: localhost:28071



execing duelse.cfg

Hitch warning: 898 msec frame time


The exact same error!! Per the email that I received from nitemare you do not need a seperate config file so I basically copied my duelse.cfg file into /base/Duel_SE and renamed it to bfa.cfg and tried again. I got the same error as above but without the execing duelse.cfg message.


Blackfire are you running the mod under linux? If so could you please post your directory structure and cfg file? By directroy structure I mean where you have the game server. I for instance have mine in /usr/local/games/jk2 and the mod in /usr/local/games/jk2/base/Duel_SE.:eek: :eek::eek:

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huh i did not see that he made this little error with the damage settings. those in the bfa.cfg are just an example on how to set up a config file. but its not necessary to put in those damage settings. if u like the default damage i set up in the code u can leave it at that. and if u fee like experimenting change some in the config...

but this error is strange tho...

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"I for instance have mine in /usr/local/games/jk2 and the mod in /usr/local/games/jk2/base/Duel_SE"



While I'm not running it on Linux and I'm not sure if it's different with it, I did notice something about your directory structure.


Shouldn't this




be this




I know with windows, mods go into the gamedata dir., not the base dir. Also make sure your cfg files are in the Duel_SE folder.


Let me know if that helps.:)

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Did some further testing with trying the 1.03a binaries. This is the error I get now.


--- Common Initialization Complete ---

Opening IP socket: localhost:28071



execing server.cfg

sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.

Hitch warning: 556 msec frame time

logfile opened on Mon Jul 22 22:37:17 2002

sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.


Blackfire the Linux binary just needs to have a jk2 folder and a base folder in that. It is different from windows. But I figured I would try changing the directory structure as I am just testing, thinking maybe the mod is looking for that structure. The jk2ded linux bianry did not like that....


Here is that error:


----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:









0 files in pk3 files


Running in restricted demo mode.


----- FS_Startup -----

Current search path:






0 files in pk3 files


I am at a loss here......... I really don't know what else to try.....

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