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Battle Droid in-game!!!


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For future reference: I think the reason those screenshots were dark is because you were the print screen button, right? Use the screenshot command to take screenshots. You can find this on one of Lucas Arts' web pages. Bind a key, like the k key to the screenshot command. Go into the command console (press

shift + ~) and type bind k screenshot. Then when your in the game just press the k key and it will take a screenshot.

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Wow...do you people read? I mean, I said in my first post that there was only a crappy test texture on the thing (whadaya want for 25 kb :) )! And in same post I state that what needs to be done is, amongst other things, make the skins and weight the hands!


Anyway, the skinning is three quarters of the way done; all that remains is the torso and the hands. After that, I'll weigh the fingers (god, am I not looking forward to that :( ). And then version 1.0 goes out the door :)


My thanks goes out to those who did read and offered their advice; Xyphox, that worked! The screenshots taken via console are MUCH better :)


Oh, and btw; does anyone know if, when using custom sounds, you have to replace all the sounds in sounds/chars/modelname/misc? Or can I just use a few new sounds, and have the rest in that folder be jk2 default?

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I'm not sure if you ned to replace all files or that you can just add a couple.


I think you have to add all new ones since in the sounds.cfg file you specifiy the directory path (e.g. sounds\char\bdroid) that Jk2 will look in.

I don't know if you can specify more than 1 directory path in this file. If you can't what JK2 sounds directory would it use for the sounds that weren't supplied in the PK3?

You can test that really fast by only adding 1 sound file for for instance taunt and adding the sound.cfg file that points to the directory where the taunt is in. Slice up your droid and you'll hear what sound you get for pain and dying :)


Weighting of the vertices in the fingers does suck :( I'm redoing that in my Padme model. I hide the polys of the 4 fingers that I am not doing and the bones for those 4 fingers too so the viewport isn't clogged with stuff I don't need to see. It still takes me 1 hour to do 1 hand :(


It blows that you can't copy the vertes weights from one model to another that is exactly the same model and uses similar bones. I hope they'll include this in a next release of the SDK since it should be easy to code. Comparing models for similar vertex count and vertex number is done with morphing too. I'm sure that somewhere the bones per object are listed somewhere too. In that list the "r_" just needs to be renamed to "l_".

This would save soooo much time because in a lot of models the arms, hands and legs are mirrored.

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