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Genereal questions on installing mods on linux server


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Having my linxu server running, I would like to include some mods and still couldnt figure out some general questions.


Since search function does not work, plz forgive if these questions were asked a million times before. (All questions relate to linux server and mods)


Q: Is it possible to have more than 1 mod running on the same server?

A: As far I found out, no its not possible. Correct?


Q: Where is the mod unzipped?

A: Directory which contains also the .\base\ directory (but not in the .\base\ directory). Correct?


Q: How do I start the server now including the mod

A: ./jk2ded +set fs_game JediMod +exec server.cfg. Correct?


Q: What happens, if a client does not have the mod locally installed? Does it get automatically downloaded (eg. like a map - while skins wont download) ? ??? Does he get kicked out of the server or wont he just be able to use the mod?


Q: Does setting sv_pure has to be set to 0 when mods are included?


Maybe someone having a linux server and having mods being run could provide me with a link or some infos upon my questions.




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I run a Linux Server and Adminmod. And I can answer your questions :)


Here Goes....


1. It is not possible to run more than one mod on a server. You can however run multiple servers. Make sure that the second server is set to use a different port than the first.


2. I have my server set in /usr/local/games/jk2. The mod author usually includes a readme where the mod is expected to be. I have run fanmod and adminmod. As an example fanmod needs to be in /usr/local/games/jk2/base/fanmod and adminmod needs to be in /usr/local/games/jk2..... It all depends on where the mod author tells you it should be.


3. Correct.


4. If a client does not have the mod they will not be able to play and the server will likely disconnect them. To set autodownload you need to have

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

in your server.cfg file. That will only allow downloading of maps and mods, not skins.


5. You can run the server in pure mode and run a mod. I do and it works just fine. If you see Unpure client detected it is likely due to a skin that the user has not being on the server. I have a ton of skins on the server in /usr/local/games/jk2/base. They get parsed on the servers initialization. You can even load them on the fly. Load your skins then just change the map. The skins are now in. :)


I hope that helps and answers all your questions. :)

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Originally posted by DaNameLessOne

I run a Linux Server and Adminmod. And I can answer your questions :)



5. You can run the server in pure mode and run a mod. I do and it works just fine. If you see Unpure client detected it is likely due to a skin that the user has not being on the server.




Is this true ? If Im missing a skin the client has it will be disconnected due to unpure client detected? If yes - is there a complete skin-zip file somewhere or do I have to download them one by one (no way I will do this !)



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I did some testing with this. My server will reject with an unpure client detected if the user has a skin that is not on the server.


I tested using my own machines. I did a total reinstall of jk2 on my normal user box and installed some of the newer skins floating around. Some that I know are not on my server. I tried to connect to my server and I consistently received a server disconnect notice. I checked the server logs and I saw that the server was disconnecting me due to an unpure client detected.


To test further I removed the new skins from my client installs /GameData/base folder and tried to connect again. This time I got on to the server without any problems.


Not exactly scientific but it is what I did to test and come to the conclusions that I did.



What I do on my server is to have the most popular skins there. IE Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Sidious, etc. I did not download every skin, that would be too time consuming. I find that now that the server has the more popular skins, and running pure I do not have that many unpure client disconnects anymore. The server is usually jumping too :)

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Originally posted by DaNameLessOne


I did some testing with this. My server will reject with an unpure client detected if the user has a skin that is not on the server.

The server is usually jumping too :)


Damm - then I will have to download the most used skins - stupid function (imho) - thanks for the help!



Concerning mod-startup using rcon.


as far i have understood - no you cannot.


and having only one mod at once does not seem perfect either....



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Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

I think clients kicked due to invalid pk3 files *should* be able to connect if they change their current skin to one that *is* on the server. Not sure if this works in practise though.


Well I tried that in my tests, and the server did not let me connect at all. It would just reject. It would be nice if the server could send a message to the client stating why it is disconnecting instead of that yellow and black warning window that says "Server Disconnected"


I tried using the default skins from the game install and I still got rejected. Really strange..... It should have let me on then but it did not. Same goes for server that I try to connect to that disconnect me.......

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Yes I tried waiting a little. I know about the flood protect :) I have it enabled on my server :D


I even tried exiting the game, waiting a few, going back into the game and trying to reconnect. I would still get rejected by my server.


I am still testing out different things to see what gets rejected, and why. I noticed that if a skin has a little mod to it like a different saber, no matter what the client gets rejected. I noticed this with the Sexy_Tavion skin. It has a little saber mod that the server does not like. It did not matter what skin I chose or how long I waited. I believe because this is due to the saber mod included with the skin.

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Originally posted by DaNameLessOne

I run a Linux Server and Adminmod. And I can answer your questions :)


Here Goes....


1. It is not possible to run more than one mod on a server. You can however run multiple servers. Make sure that the second server is set to use a different port than the first.


2. I have my server set in /usr/local/games/jk2. The mod author usually includes a readme where the mod is expected to be. I have run fanmod and adminmod. As an example fanmod needs to be in /usr/local/games/jk2/base/fanmod and adminmod needs to be in /usr/local/games/jk2..... It all depends on where the mod author tells you it should be.


3. Correct.


4. If a client does not have the mod they will not be able to play and the server will likely disconnect them. To set autodownload you need to have

seta cl_allowDownload "1"

in your server.cfg file. That will only allow downloading of maps and mods, not skins.


5. You can run the server in pure mode and run a mod. I do and it works just fine. If you see Unpure client detected it is likely due to a skin that the user has not being on the server. I have a ton of skins on the server in /usr/local/games/jk2/base. They get parsed on the servers initialization. You can even load them on the fly. Load your skins then just change the map. The skins are now in. :)


I hope that helps and answers all your questions. :)



1. Is Correct the answer is no


2. Not neccssarily true... all mods in general needs to go into the same directory as your base directory. But NOT IN the base directory, on the same level with it. There are 3 ways to install a mod any mod.


Either put the pk3 file for the mod in your base folder. The only downside here is the mod will not download to the client if you prefer that kind of thing. Even if the mod is server side if the client doesn't have it in this setup it won't work.


The second way is to make a folder (using the proper name) on the same level with your base folder and put the pk3 file in there. By doing that it will allow clients to download the mod, if you have

sv_allowdownload 1 set. Not cl_allowdownload that is a clientside command for enabling downloading and has no bearing on the server. The mod will download automatically.


Lastly if the mod your trying to run such as Adminmod is server side only, you can run the mod in such a fashion that will NOT require download by clients. You do this by making the mod directory on the same level with the base folder. Then under that make a "vm" folder. Extract the qvm file from the mods pk3 file and put it in this vm folder.


AS far as pure server goes, I'm not sure how you are getting those results, but if a server is pure it will NOT disconnect someone or prevent them otherwise from getting on, if they don't happen to have a skin the server has. They will see "Kyle" in it's place. Pure server is only supposed to disallow those from playing that have the same files the server has, but perhaps modified in some way. It will not disconnect you simply because you do not have the same skins. I suspect your testing methods are a little screwy, because I know for fact this works. And my kyle seeing only players will vouch. :)


Sidenote, although I haven't tested this, but if you have a different version of the same skin the server has, then it may disconnect you.... As it would definately see that as invalid.

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