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Jedi Outcast on Linux


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If there's already a thread on this somewhere, sorry if I missed it. I wanted to go from running XP Pro to running a pure linux system, Mandrake 8.2. Im a complete newbie to Linux, and was wondering if anybody here has gotten it to run successfully run using Wine or WineX or some prog. like that. No 1st hand experience myself with linux or Wine, and was just going to dive in if other people have sucess running the game. Love jedi too much to give it up if it wont work.


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If there's already a thread on this somewhere, sorry if I missed it. I wanted to go from running XP Pro to running a pure linux system, Mandrake 8.2. Im a complete newbie to Linux, and was wondering if anybody here has gotten it to run successfully run using Wine or WineX or some prog. like that. No 1st hand experience myself with linux or Wine, and was just going to dive in if other people have sucess running the game. Love jedi too much to give it up if it wont work.


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