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saber help


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i am currently making an episode 1 mod and i have the lightsabers i need for this. I extract the Obi-Wan saber first and then i try to extract the darth maul saber but when i do it trys to replace the files in models/weapons2/saber (which is where the obi-wan saber is). i have tried extracting them to a temporary folder and renamed the saber folder to saber_desann and then putting it in my mod folder. i zip it up and make it a pk3 put it in base and open the game. Kyle uses the right model but with the wrong skin while the darth maul saber skin works great.


Both files use the saber.jpg as their skins which say they are in models/weapons2/saber i only want obi wan to be here and the darth maul to be in models/weapons2/saber_desann. I want to change the name of the saber.jpg for the maul saber but doing so will say it cant find the skin.


The only way i can think of is going into the model and changing the texture it uses but how do i do that and what software do i need?

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