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Mos Eisley/Cantina Maps?


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Eh, yes there should certainly be one ;)


Just look down the page a bit and you'll find a topic containing the word cantina- Inside it you'll find more infos.


Never heard of another cantina being created- anyone know anything about that one? (Really would like to see it!)

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Ummm.....Well....I might have been the maker...I mean--I have been MAKING Mos Eisley....right now it's about 5 times as big as the Cantina map.


For screens, head to this thread located here:




And this one:






These pics were taken a while ago--but now it's almost completed and will be released at the end of the month in a map pack my darthVADER and I.

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Thnx a bunch--it's almost done--will release at end of the month (7 or so days) in a map pack.


But not to get your hopes up--it still appears....hmmm unfinished...and is not the "neatest" project I have ever undertook. Ah well. It's big....the biggest map released by far...that must count for something = )

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BTW--the version that is being released is the FIRST version of the map.


This map WILL be updated EVERY month--because I made this map for RPG players who like an ever-expanding world.


The first version will be playable--but there will be no artifacts or lighting in any of the buildings.


The second version will correct all reported bugs and add artifacts and lighting to all the buildings.


The third will make the outdoors more realistic.



The reason for all these different versions is simple: we can't find any real beta testers who actually want to WORK at testing--all the ones we have had so far just want to play on a map then gripe about how unfinished it is.


The other reason is also simple.


I dont want to work for 2 more months and find out that no one gives a darn about my work--also we have lots and lots and lots of requests...or demands...for this map out NOW...


So...heads up..its coming and it's not going to be all that polished. But hopefully we'll get good feedback and be able to fix all problems.

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Ey- that was my excuse ;)


No, it certainly is the only way to develope a map that size while getting feedback.


On the lightning: Try to add them in the first release- many people might want to RP it and it would rob them of the inside areas- I myself just opened the buildings so that you can access them.

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Yeah, I would--throwing in a few lights isn't difficult--but were trying to figure out how to make the map run with the buildings being...er..enterable?


If hard to have close to 32 buildings in one giant room without lagging--and it's even hardder to throw in 20 human players into that.


it's whattcha call technical difficulties. = )

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