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Certain voting?


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Well sometimes it becomes quite annoying when people start not likeing the type of game it is and want to switch to Dueling, i didn't want this to happen as my server is an FFA only but as i wasn't watching the server was voted into a dueling server and somehow it was changed! I had to restart to get rid of this effect. I do not want to disable all voting because i want people to be able to choose the type of MAP or whatever map they would like so i would like to know how it is possible and if it is possible to only allow certain voting like only voting for maps and not to kick people or anything as sometimes when people were being really annoying and just blocking doors or killing people when they are speaking i put them to sleep (admin-mod) or bunny them (admin-mod) and they try to vote kick me of course they never succeed but i would like to know how to get rid of certain voting privlages without completly losing all voting. Is this possible? Thank u in advance.

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