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How Do I Play My Own MP3s In The Game

The Count

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If you just want Duel of the Fates, and you have the ffa_episode1 map, then don't spend all your time on what I have written out. If you have that map, go into your console (shift+~) and type:


music /music/jedi


It will play then. That works on any server, (as the music file is in the map) If you want to know how to make other ones in the game, read on.


Make a folder called music. Copy any .mp3 in there that you want to listen to in the game. Rename them all to easy to type names, ie: 1, 2, 3, etc. Then use winzip to make a file called music.pk3


Right click on the folder 'music'

Click on Add to Zip

Where it says filename, replace .zip with .pk3

Then click on add or zip or whatever it says on the right.


I'm sure you know that already but that's just for people who don't.


While in game, open up console, (shift+~) and type:


music /music/1


Where 1 would be any number that you used. You can also put folders inside that music folder before you zip. For example, mine consits of 4 folders, anh (A New Hope) ep2 (Episode 2) music (other) and rock. When you have folders in it, you would type for example:


music /ep2/1


Where the folder name and number would be where yours is. The bad thing, is this, it only works on unpure servers, (I have no idea why) Hope that helps (it's extensive, but I really like my own music in the game)

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Originally posted by 00M-187

NO NO NO, its quite simple.


1)Start a winamp playlist,

2)Start the game, turn off the ingame music.


You'll have all the songs you love! Try playing to Imperial March... Now that gets the adrenaline going


2 things: one, the PK3 version, wont work on a pure server, I THINK.


this is why I prefer the winamp way a lot more. also you can control the playlist much easier.(sp?)


Try playing to Imperial March... Now that gets the adrenaline going
i'll bet. however when you miss, and put your 70's/80's pop playlist on by mistake, well.... it gets interesting to say the least.:D
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