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Problems With Areaportlas!


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Okey since you already have figured I have a problem with my areaportals....


I place 'em as I've been told.... but either I do somethin wrong or I got wrong instructions....


I get this message while compiling:

WARNING: Areaportal blabla not connectaed to two areas!

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Your areaportal needs to completely fill (top to bottom, side to side) the hallway that you're trying to put your door in, AND needs to fit inside the width of the door. The hallway that you're trying to put the door in also needs to be made of structural brushes.

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If all your walls are detail, you don't need areaportals. Areaportals are in place to force a portal (and thus leaf nodes) to be created where there otherwise wouldn't be. If your entire map is detail brushes, then every brush in your map is being drawn at the same time, and you have the absolute lowest possible framerate anyway. Adding an areaportal won't help you at all.

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I'll copy and paste this from another thread i just posted in:)



A good way to think of area portals is like this...


Imagine that the area portals emit a deadly fog, but the rooms that you're trying to put the deadly fog in must be air tight otherwise the fog will escape. Imagine things that are detail to be full of holes, so they dont stop the fog from escapeing. You have to make the room that you want to be area portled completely airtight so the fog wont escape.


So basically all you need to do is make the actual walls floors and ceilings structural to prevent the fog from escapeing.


One more thing worth mentioning is that glass does not block the fog either, so if your glass is going out into a huge skybox which has other rooms with glass, your fog is going to leak into all those other rooms if you know what i mean:)

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I found that my areaportals wouldn't take until I made the portal very very thin.. just a few units. Making it inside the door by only shrinking it down one unit didn't seem to work reliably.


They also only seem to work in hallway type situations.


Meaning if you have two empty boxes (rooms) butt against each other and you try to put an areaportal inside the wall they share, it wouldn't work.


Instead you would have to make a bit of a gap between them, make a short "hallway", then put the areaportal inside a door in that hallway.


And yes they need to completely fill the door brushes.. ctl+tab to one of the horizontal view and make all the portal brush edges flush with the door.

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