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How to change the original saber and sounds


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Hello people,


I want to change the original saber and saber sounds in Single Player mode. So I got 2 files from this site (dooku_quigonsabers.zip and EP1-saber&melee.zip). But after reading the README.TXT, and doing what it says to install them in JEDIOUTCAST\GAMEDATA\BASE, I'm stuck after that. The saber is the same and also the sounds. I know now how to enter CHEATS, got the whole list. Anybody be kind to help me out .



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Hmm....I nor sure what's wrong...


The .pk3 file is to be placed in the Gamedata/base directory...

Then it should be working...but maybe this only works with multiplayer??? Try making a Multiplayer game, You just Create one yourself...then try and see if it works...if not, tell, and we will have a look on what might be wrong...

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Thanks for you answer. I didn't know that we could play in multiplayer mode "alone". I'll try for sure. Do I have to enable in some way the new lightsaber in the cheat mode or it should be effective whenever you place a new .PK3 file in the BASE directory?

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