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Shaft Skin And Some Questions


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Here's my problem:

After a crapload of work, I finished a skin set of slick 70's black private dick John Shaft for JO. You can see what I've done here:




Now, all my icons appear in the character selection menu and one would think that all is right, but both the red and blue team skins fail to load in game. Instead, I receive a pastiche of lando team textures (which is odd because there is NO reference whatsoever to lando in the skin files.. although i am using the lando model itself) when I start up a team game. All my skin files seem to have the appropriate references and everything, so three days after my troubleshooting began, I'm still at a loss. If ANYONE has had experience with this type of error or can help in any way, I'd greatly I appreciate it. Knowing that hours of hard work is going to waste for some stupid, mysterious reason is infuriating.


If anyone wants to mess around with the files to get them to work, contact me at mehab4@maine.rr.com and I'd be more than glad to send them your way.



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