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Can somone please help me?

Guest Darth_Talon

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Guest Darth_Talon

In Jedi Power Battles on level 2 you fight a big worm...could someone give me a hint on how to defeat him?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, as you may know, the worm starts off by unleashing his strongest attack, the poison spray.


So, avoid that, then learn his attack pattern.


As you will notice, he will slam down, rise back up, spin, then rise back up again.


Once he has risen after spinning, rush in and strike - then run and jump out of the way like crazy!


Once you've done this he should retreat into a large alcove, and he will begin releasing small, crab-like creatures to attack you. Destroy the crabs, and the worm will crawl out and will launch a stronger version of the poison spray attack. Dodge this, and after the worm has slammed down and risen, rush in and attack.


Complete this about 4 times, I believe, and then you are on your way to Theed!

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Guest Master Kenobi

Stay near the bottom center of the screen. He has a pattern: shoot fire, slam down, rear up, slam down, spin, rear up. Hit him with a running X or S when he just plain rears up. and, to dodge the fire balls completely, stand behind Jar Jar.(it works, trust me)


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