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1 Jerk, a bunch of homo remarks, and the vulcanmod = 1 strange evening!


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I was running a server the other night and this player joins. In the heat of battle he'd stop and start typing to talk. Of course he was immediately killled by another player or the 2 bots I had added. I could see if he had questions about the game but he was trying to make small talk.


After this happened 4 or 5 times he started getting pissed off and typing profanity. I said "Dude what are you doing? You stop in the middle of a battle or in a wide open area and try to talk then you bitch about getting killed."


He said "I'm trying to have fun and make friends." I advised him that the idea of this game was to fight, kill, and score points. He replied "No it's not, it's about fun and you all are a bunch of chat-killing homos!" He then proceeded to insult everyone on the server with many homosexual related comments. After several beatings, he logged off. The rest of us agreed that he was not going to get the last word so we exited my server and searched for his player name in the Join Server menu.


We found him in a server running the Vulcanadminmod, or something like that, and that is when things really got weird! When we joined the welcome screen listed a bunch of rules like "No killing someone with sabers down. No killing a player chatting. No insulting others! etc."


When we entered the game we noticed that no one was fighting. There was 20 something guys standing on the rocket launcher pad, with sabers off, looking at each other and chatting. When my cousin and I started killing our characters would be put to sleep. The players would stand around our sleeping bodies, with sabers on, poking at our bodies. It looked like a symbolic gang rape. How the hell can a player be put to sleep?? This was really weird.


After we caused more trouble, my cousin was banned from the site, and he still can't join it. I logged off.


What the hell does this mod let the host do and what is up with guys standing around and not killing??

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It was a server for silly fewls who chat instead of playing properly. Probably created by and for people who have the skill of a dead squid. I spit on such servers. :D


But still, it's their server. They can run it however they want, and my advice to you, friend, is to leave them to it.

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Dude, it really depends.


I haven't felt like JK2 has been a 'community' for some time now. I personally enjoyed 'hanging out' on servers with guys a played with for months, but that doesn't happen no more and I'm quickly loosing interest.


On the server I was admin on, the map stayed Bespin 24/7 and the game type was TFFA. The circle pad with the nasty drop was our honor dueling area and we had alot of good times there watching duels and the occasional fight breaking out or stacking up and taking pictures. Yeah, it may sound lame, but it was alot of fun with this group of players.


Of course, anywhere else on the map, you could beat each others brains out nonstop if you wanted. But we had some good times there even if it was chatting and cracking on players.


It wasn't like that was it? A part of the map where people enjoyed honor dueling? Anyhoo, I miss how that game was. I hardly even play now and I still have a server, but the feel just seems to be gone.

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Sometimes you'd just get tired of killing and killing everyone, so you'd switch to a different style or reserve yourself to dueling only. Occasionally, it'd get so boring that I'd just log on to see a few people that I was cool with. And chat and mess around and whatever... We actually got up to a part of CTF_Warring_Factions that was totally off-limits. I mean, the ledges we were standing on had no textures. You find a lot of neat tricks just hanging around and talking to people, as opposed to fighting them 24-7. I may be speaking for myself, but I enjoyed the feeling of having familiar names on the score list and knowing that I could take a break from fighting without getting killed wherever I stood.


I played on Sokar's server once, too. But I didn't really like the crowd that frequents the place. Mostly play at Drep'anon's.. the last bastion of 1.02 purists. Wonder if it's still there since I haven't played for a month or so.


The funniest thing was Pad Patrol. Yes, it sounds lame, but that's what we called the group of people who defended the Pad for duels. FFA'ers could swarm the arena, while anyone coming into the pad trying to saber all the unarmeds would get tag-teamed. Pad Patrollers would always say, "Keep the duel areas clear" or "No attacking on pad unless you're dueling"... then they'd appear to get mad. But I always thought it was absolutely hilarious when people tried to go in and get some easy kills. Gripped, pushed, lightning'd, tossed around and saber thrown to death. Part of the fun, really.


But anyway, I always thought it was the right of any player to not get involved in fighting if he didn't want to. That's just me of course.

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