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Hailey Joel Osmond v.s. Jake Lloyd Who's the best?

Guest LukeFlyswatter

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Guest LukeFlyswatter

When George Lucas hand picked his Aniken for

ep.1, he almost chose Haily Joel Osmand, the

lil' kid in "the sixth sence" who sees dead

guys. Do you think Lucas made a mistake in

picking Jake Lloyd (Aniken in ep.1) over Haily Joel Osmand?



use the fork Luke!


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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

My opinion is that Jake Loyd ruined Ep 1 cause he acted throughout the whole movie like "Haha..i get to be in Star Wars and you don't" He just acted so full of himself. I know he's just a little kid, but i couldn't stand him. Maybe I just hate his character? Either way....



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I saw an interview with Jake Lloyd. He acts pretty much the same in real life as he does in the movie.


Side note: Reports are that on the set of Lloyd's new movie he's a brat, spoiled and is disrupting the production of the movie.





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Guest ChosenOne

I kind of think the kids cocksure attitude made it a little better. I noticed his attitude too, but you have to think that a kid his age who drives pod racers at 600mph woud be pretty cocky, even if he is a slave. Also it sort of foreshadows his future downfall.

Anyway does anyone think Mark Hamill was a good actor in the originals? Part of the allure of Star Wars for me has always been seeing great actors alongside not-so good actors, ie. Alec Guiness and Mark Hamill.

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Guest LukeFlyswatter

I agree with chosen one. Jake was Great. So

was Hamilton, he kicks @$$.



use the fork Luke!


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Guest Jedi Shadow

I think that Lucas ment to have all the young

skywalker kids to be bad actors at first.

this doesn't go for Jake offcourse but I felt that Mark got better into his character Luke Skywalker as the trilogy progresses.

I don't expect Hayden to be the best actor around but I guess Lucas felt the anikin-vibe in him or something.




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, with either Halley Joel Osment or Jake Lloyd, you'd end up with different sides to Anakin.


With Lloyd, you have the innocent, somewhat foreshadowing-ly cocky slave. You'd have an upbeat, optimistic, enthusiasic 9 year old, who's slight arrogance and flashes of anger (i.e. the Council scene and the fight with "Greedo", which they should have left in...), could and very well may elude to his inevitable downfall.


With Osment, I believe we'd see a darker, more serious Anakin. Osment is *very* mature for his age, and I believe that maturity would be projected in his portrayal of Anakin. Being the future epitome of evil in the galaxy, it would have been interesting to see a more serious Anakin, as I believe Osment would have portrayed. Instead of being simply told of Anakin's fears, Osment could have displayed them, along with more significant flashes of anger and other emotions, and could have made the character more easily related to, as well as more intuitively-connected to his future persona.


One thing this film left me wanting more of was foreshadowing to Anakin's dark future. On another website with a rather unique forum, there was such a discussion.

One person was suggesting ways in which Anakin could have been better developed, and one way in particular intrigued me:

On Tatooine, initially after Maul's dismount from his speeder, Qui-Gon orders Anakin to run for the ship.

What if, while heading to the ship, Anakin hesitated, and looked back. Suddenly, he'd lock eyes with Maul, and for a second, Anakin would be entranced by the warrior. Imagine what could have gone through his head in that second, and imagine the depth just that few seconds could have held. Almost as if looking into his future.


I just wanted moments like this that added more to the seriousness of the story, and also made viewers think. I wanted more than just "I sense much fear in you...", or "Clouded this boys future is..." I wanted to know why his future was clouded, and I wanted to know why his fears were so significant, instead of just being told.


Anyone know what I mean?



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[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 01, 2000).]

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Guest ysalamiri

perhaps Lucas chose Lloyd because he wanted to portray Anakin as a "typical" young kid all of us could relate to show how all of us could eventually be turned to the Dark Side of the Force. With Osment, who is by far the better actor, I don't think you see the "typical" young boy because he is well beyond his years in maturity. He would have to "act" like Jake did, whereas Jake was just himself. Keep in mind the actors are only as good as the director wants them to be. Acting is not what drives Star Wars, the story does, and I think overall Episode 1 did a great job with that and also was a great set-up to Episodes 2 and 3.

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Guest LukeFlyswatter

Acid rain is totally right, there should have

been more reason behind why his future is so

dark. How could he turn in to an evil sith lord? It needs backbone.And didn't his mom say Aniken is genouris and all?(even though

all moms say that about there childeren, exept for my evil mom who makes me use the

fork) frown.gif



use the fork Luke!


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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, no, don't misunderstand me. I think it's ironic that Darth Vader, as a child, was a very generous, caring boy. That's perfect, and I have no qualms about that.

However, I wanted to see more flashes of that anger and all-around darkness that will eventually consume him.

Let's face it, Anakin was one-dimensional in this film. smile.gif

I wanted to see more depth, like the encounter with Maul I explained above. Anakin is arguably the pivotal character of this entire 6 chapter saga, and I think each chapter should show Anakin as a deep character.

It was fine that Anakin was a caring, generous boy, but it seemed that's all there was to him.



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[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 01, 2000).]

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Guest LukeFlyswatter

yeah,ok,I get 'ya. BUT MY MOM STILL WANT'S ME




use the fork Luke!


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Guest LukeFlyswatter


my mom still wants me to use the fork frown.gif



use the fork Luke!


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Guest LukeFlyswatter




use the fork Luke!


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Guest LukeFlyswatter

be sure to check out my story of Luke Flyswatter.



use the fork Luke!


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Guest 84Elan

I have not seen your story but if it is anything like the vast majority of your posts it is not hard to see why it was closed.


As for your posts on Aniken though, I agree with the fact that too much is left out of the story to give you a true feel for what is comming it really leaves much to be desired.(as does jake) Aniken should have been much more nasty than he was, and I do not mean in words but in looks, in the eye's. The eyes are the window to the soul and you can say a lot with out opening your pie hole once. With the proper facal looks and a good deap base rumble in the theater, one can come across as a very evil one in the making.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 03, 2000).]

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Guest DarthGohan1016

There was lots of backbone, he turns to the darkside because of the loss of his mother, and they clearly portrayed that

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, that being the case, they should have drawn out the relationship between Shmi and Anakin. The fact that the fragility of their relationship can (and I believe will) be the breaking point of Anakin's life, sooo much more should have gone into how dependant they were on each other, how much they cared for each other, and what the one meant to the other.

The "Goodbye Scene" should have been very much more dramatic and emotional, being the case that Shmi could eventually pass away, outside of Anakin's control or prevention. I mean, the scene in which Leia proclaims her love for Han in Empire was more emotional than a small boy saying goodbye to his mother, possibly for the last time. There is, of course, the possibility that Anakin will return to Tatooine and see his mother again, but in the mean time, I say they should have given the film a sense of his departing possibly for good, and left the audience with the emotion of the scene and have them guessing as to what will happen in the coming films.

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Guest 84Elan

TFM does leave much to be desired when it come to the telling of the story. From what I hear and read the Book as in most cases is much more detailed and explains many things to a better degree than the movie ie.. Obi Wans recklessness, and akakins dark side. One thing I keep missing is how did the Empire know that the queen was on Tatooine? Obi Wan said send no transmissions its a trick then later on Maul says that if the trace was correct then they are on Tatooine. What gives did the hand madien portraying the queen send a transmission or what?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yeah, I can understand that Kanigget. I can see how the transmission could be send to the ship directly, instead of a broadband, sos-type, send out all over the place message.


They could send it directly to the unique signal of the Queen's ship (they'd have access to that, being on Naboo), then the Sith could trace that transmission's path to Tatooine. It would hard, but "not for a Sith," hehe.



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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

I asked that same question when i saw the movie.."How did they know they were on Tattoine?" and I also wanted to know why Obi-Wan could use Force speed to run in the beginning and not to save Qui-Gon in the end. It still haunts me. Anyway, i wanted answers so I read the novel. They dont really give an explanation about how they found them, so i guess u guys are right about the transmission. Also in the novel the Jedi dont use force speed to get away from the destroyers, they sort of vanish/hide.



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