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please help!

Guest Knight Slayer

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Guest Knight Slayer

I've already beaten the game with Qui-Gon and Mace, but now with Adi Galli I can't beat maul! He's hard as hell now! If anyone has some tips could you please tell me them.


Thanks in advance

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Guest Darth Wart

 To beat Maul with Adi, use square square square three times quickly. Then back off! Wait until he approaches you again, then square square square again, repeat, repeat. Do not add anything to the square square square’s, and be sure to get out of there (un-locked-on) after just three. Him whacking you as you retreat is unavoidable, I think. Remember, if you get greedy here, you’ll get nailed. I’m not saying this operation is easy, just possible. I’ve also noticed that this square square square thing works best if you’re just to his left, not locked on and centered. Your first stroke seems to hit him faster that way, opening up the possibility of your getting in a few more whacks.

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Guest Plo Koon

I haven't gotten to Maul with Adi Gallia yet, but I suppose if you lock onto Maul and hit him then do a backward jump, you can avoid him. You can only backward jump if you are locked on. Then hold the run button and hit back.





[This message has been edited by Plo Koon (edited April 28, 2000).]

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