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Server-Side mods


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I've installed the vulcanus admin mod and I have it running on my server fine. only problem is when people connect they get a prompt to download the mod's pk3 files and since autodowloading is disabled on my server they get disconnected. I thought since this is a mod I should set the server to unpure and that didn't help at all either...any suggestions?

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If you enable downloads then clients who also have downloads enabled will probably download it. Clients with downloads off will be able to connect and play straight away. Try emailing the mod author to see if he has any ideas.

The only way I have been able to get a 'server side' mod working (u104 in my case) without disconnecting clients who had downloads enabled was to extract the contents of the pk3 file. I think there might be a bug in the JK/Q3 code when it comes to mods like this.

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Well u see in order for the other players to be able

to be slapped for eg; or to fall asleep...they need the

animation sequence for that which means they need to get the file the file is a server side mod in a way that only the server

can use it and has control of it...it doesn't change any of the players gamestyle...


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Actually this is a bit of an unknown point to me. In fact the code *is* serverside. Only the server portion has been changed. Any animations are allready in the game. I've also heard reports that downloading is not allways needed, but I can't confirm that. I also heard about extracting the .PK3 files in the adminmod dir helps from having to download, I also havn't tried this though.


I know that if you run with the .dll version that someone connecting doesn't need it (I'm using this for debugging over a network), so it seems logical that the same would go with the .qvm versions.

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I don't understand where u put ur "Pk3"?

U NEED to put it in a folder calleed "adminmod" in your

GameData Folder ...not ur Base folder...that way u can also

load the mod from the setup menu in the game!

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I'm running Linux servers and I also was wondering where to put the .pk3 files? There is no gamedata folder with the linux binaries, so do we MAKE one? I've tried and it doesn't work. So i just put them in the base folder and as long as the clients have the same mod .pk3 files everything is fine....but if not the clients download it off the server. Very annoynig.

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I run Vulcanus also..


Here's What I did (it mirrors what has already been stated about making a VM directory so that no PK3 download is needed).


[*]I created a ADMINMOD subdirectory in the GAMEDATA directory.

[*]I then created a VM subdirectory under my ADMINMOD

[*]I extracted the vadminmod.zip file to this directory

[*]I then renamed the PK3 file in the ADMINMOD directory with an extension of ZIP. I extracted the file jk2mpgame.qvm file into the ADMINMOD\VM subdirectory.



From this point I followed the directions and added the +set fs_game adminmod command switch to my batch file that starts my server and now no one is bothered with having to download it.



*All game logs (console and game) and jk2*.cfg files will now be stored in the ADMINMOD subdirectory.

*I did not rename the PK3 (now ZIP) file back to PK3. I left it as a PK3. I don't feel it matters. As a matter of fact you could just associate PK3 files with your ZIP tool and never rename it to ZIP at all.


I hope this helps add some clarity as to how some of us have installed it as a VM file.

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cwpippin's right. If you extract the .pk3 into the admin mod dir (and make sure you don't leave the .pk3 there) the clients won't have to download it.


Also for Linux users, put the mod here:





(not jk2/base/adminmod)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it possible to run other weapon Mods from server side only? I mean Mods that modify gameplay and not appearance. I have done this in MOHAA with no problem... I simply create the pk3 file and drop it in the server side folder.... but for some reason when i write a weapon mod for JKII it does not work for clients.

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