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Map List for my server


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EDIT: This post shouldn't be up here; the forum messed up. Response Crazyplayer



Do you have ghoul 2 and saber traces enabled?


Initially I had only sabertracefirst on but at these levels of damage I had to add ghoul2, so the fights weren't over in 2 secs.:p


I'm thinking of experimenting with only having ghoul2 on and see how that works.


I'll have to stop by on your server and check it out.


Your welcome to anytime, I always enjoy having good people on my server. I think you and me were a couple of the first people to use Duel_SE on our servers and we seem to be like minded in our opinions on saber duels.


Also I think I might have figured out why I kept getting all those command overflow crashes(fingers crossed:)). I'll see if it worked and let you know, but so far so good.

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This is just a listing of 3rd party maps that I currently run on

my server and links to them.


Here is the listing of maps:


duel_faces - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=187


duel_kamino - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=280


irglandingplatform - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=254


jedi_council_SE - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=256


Padhall - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=241


matrix_dojo - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=331


matrix_subway - http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/file.php?id=402


If you would like to play here, it is recommended to download

these maps ahead of time as it would be MUCH faster than auto

download. Remember the forum format may truncate the web addresses, if so just copy and paste them into your browser. I will update this list as nesessary.


My server is:


BlackFire Duel_SE-LethalDamage


Auto download is on, but slow

Duel only server

Force jump 3 only, kicking 5 hp damage with 30% knockdown

High Blocking is enabled due to very high damage values

Timelimit per duel is 5 minutes


All saber damage is lethal except backstabs and backswipes

bluebs 10-50 hp damage

yellowbs 10-60 hp damage

redbs 10-70 hp damage


Rules are simple:


1) This server is about fun first, winning second; In other words

I don't mean having fun at the expense of other people's fun! At

the same time this is a duel server, so please duel.


2) Be Nice and Respect your fellow players. I don't want to see

you seriously insulting each other or using sexual or racist

remarks toward each other. The first time you will be warned;the

next time you will be kicked and banned.


3) No Whining unless there is REAL reason for it; e.g. someone is

repetitively breaking rules 1 or 2.


If you feel you can't follow the rules, please don't join my

server. Save yourself and the rest of us there a lot of time and

trouble. When I'm on the server I do strictly enforce these rules

and I'm on most of the time.

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Just wondering - What do you have set for your regular stance damage cvars and the special moves?


seta saber_bluebsmin "10"

seta saber_bluebsmax "50"

seta saber_blue "100"

seta saber_bluespmax "100"

seta saber_bluespmin "10"

seta saber_yellow "200"

seta saber_yellowspmin "200"

seta saber_yellowspmax "200"

seta saber_yellowbsmin "10"

seta saber_yellowbsmax "60"

seta saber_redmin "200"

seta saber_redmax "200"

seta saber_redspmin "30"

seta saber_redspmax "250"

seta saber_redbsmin "10"

seta saber_redbsmax "70"

seta wdam_kick "5"

seta kickchance "3"


Initially I had as follows, but found Red to be a little too lethal and it was all people were using so I changed it to the above list. It seems to be working out fairly well now.

blue everything flat 100

yellow " flat 200

red " flat 300


I know I have red the same as yellow except the dfa, but I feel the increased blocking penetration makes it stronger anyway. I made the lunge and dfa variable because people were spamming them especially lunge. But believe me they are still pretty lethal. That is, provided people get a relatively clean hit in, which isn't that hard to do if your any good and actually timing your hits.


Most people are considerably more careful with their swings now.:p I'm a big advocate of people using variety and tactics in fights and I really hate it when all they do is hack or spam the same move over and over. It bores me real fast regardless of how easy it is to beat them.


As for the maps, thanks.:) I just wish people would actually download them, I am very bored with the default maps and I can't believe they aren't.

I just stuck that saberist enhancement in to check it out, not bad, gonna take some getting used to. I just wish the readme told you how to do the new moves in red stance, I figured out one, but can't seem to find the other. It also seemed to work for all my clients which I found weird considering how it is installed, but it's great that it does.


Right now I'm having serious problems with command overflows when people lag out that keep crashing the server and I can't figure out how to fix it.


I know, more than you asked for, I'm just chatting and ranting.


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Those are some hard core damage numbers. :)


I'll have to stop by on your server and check it out. I get one hit kills on my server with a normal heavy chop with the right timing and my heavy is at 100. Medium is 60 and light is 30. Do you have ghoul 2 and saber traces enabled? I only have saber traces enabled.

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Oh yea the saborist mod is great. It seems to make heavy and medium even more superior then fast style. The new medium DFA is a much faster strike. It like a flying downward lunge.


I couldn't find the 2nd new heavy move too. Well I noticed that one combo when the last swing was in a different direction. I think if I rememebr correctly it is attack right ; attack right ; attack right-back


I think the saber moves in the opposite direction. I don't know if that is the new move. I don't think so...

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