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Server Side Mod... which?

Phunen ey

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I have a question regarding a mod that I spotted the other day on a server that I randomly connected to. I don't know the name of the mod and I would like to know it so I can set one up.


Server Description:


- multiple duals going on at the same time

- after the dual has completed health goes to 100

- no force powers except jump during dual but FF outside of dual

- server side mod


Other than those changes everything else seemed vanilla. If anyone knows what the name of this mod or of a mod that can make the above changes I would greatly appreciate it.


Thanks in advance!

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- multiple duals going on at the same time

- after the dual has completed health goes to 100

- no force powers except jump during dual but FF outside of dual

- server side mod


I don't know if you mean that, but my Vulcanus admin mod has some of the features you describe such as multiple duels, health/armour after duels, server side (though this is a bit sketchy with JKII so it seems).


No forcepowers except jump in duels...

is allready a standard feature.


Check out


for more info.

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