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Hey Ikhnaton...

Guest Ray Park

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Guest Ray Park

Uhm, I will not be told what to do by complete strangers, so why don't don't you descend from your imaginary throne and speak to me like another person and not one of your subjects.


If you're concerned with something I posted, then just explain to me why and then ask me to modify my behaviour. This is called being civil.


You'll find that people will usually respond a lot better to this then you ordering them around as you were some sort of authority figure.


I wanna be friendly with everyone here, so it makes no sense to be anal with me.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

To make sure it's read:


Ikhnaton was pretty lax until a couple of gits came along and decided to ruin this forum with flames, stupid postings, and really bad porn. He's no longer as lenient in how posts are done, and I don't blame him. It's not a power trip, it's experience.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Ray Park

But I haven't done anything nearly as bad as the stuff you just said happened. I haven't done anything bad at all. I moderate a forum too, and I've had stuff like that happedn, but that didn't make me turn into an anal retentive *******.


What does a bunch of idiots spamming a the forum with swearing and porn have to do with any of us?


I just don't have any idea what he's upset about.


Oh and btw, how do you put pics on your postings?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

1.)"I'm gonna use all the dialogue from the game, and I'm also gonna add some characters. One of them will be a veteren zealot who survives every fight with the Zerg and doesn't get a scratch on him. He later becomes the new Preator after Artanis is hospitalized by a group of gay bashers (he's such a *** with that pretty high voice "Feel my wrath you silly little thing!")"


2.)"How do you, *sigh* hhh HOWWWWW, ugh, ddd doooo, dooooo, unh! Ugggh, kkklk, ptuui! Oh, much better!

How do you pcccchcluggggg. Damn! Unnnnhhgggglkkkkklck ptuuu! Ptuuuu ptuuu ptuuui! *clang*"


3.) "Do you know Ikhnaton personaly? Because I don't think he's a very good moderator."



You pull this stupid crap, and you wonder why someone who has to uphold authority is sick of you?


"I moderate a forum too..."


Yeah, you keep saying this...frankly, I think I'd find looking at that forum to be a bit disconcerning.

You know how to run a dinky, personal forum; but this is a major website's forum: civility, as well as the maturity and censorship of it's content have to be monitored with zero-tolerance.


"...so why don't don't you descend from your imaginary throne and speak to me like another person and not one of your subjects."


What the heck are you talking about?

I don't know much about Ik, but from what I've gathered, I think his respect has to be earned, and it has to be mutual.

You've come into a forum he looks after, you act like a jackass, then you get ticked off when the dude does his job?

He doesn't place himself on a pedistal, he just uses the authority he has to keep the forum neat and respectable.


The swiftness of justice can seem a bit harsh, but try thinking about what your posting before you click the damn button - does it look like something that would have to be deleted or closed? Does it look like something that's gonna piss people off? If one of your posts has been deleted/closed, then doesn't that tell you to check your self control, and maybe read the forum rules again?


Grow the hell up, or go back to your own forum.





[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 28, 2000).]

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Guest Ray Park

What crap am I pulling? What did I do to hurt anyone? If you don't find my jokes funny, don't laugh, it's as simple as that. I don't deserve to be persecuted because someone doesn't get my humor.


In my forum the only rule is that you don't agressively try to hurt someone's feelings. That is the only time when someone is infringing on the rights of others and is the only time when someone is actually disturbing the forum.


I'm really surprised at the violent and angry response some people are having at what I said, which makes about as much sense as your joke about RuPaul playing Obi Wan and Richard Simmons playing Anakin.


Just relax, it's not like I'm doing any harm to anyone.

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Guest Ikhnaton

Originally posted by Ray Park:

Uhm, I will not be told what to do by complete strangers, so why don't don't you descend from your imaginary throne and speak to me like another person and not one of your subjects.


If you're concerned with something I posted, then just explain to me why and then ask me to modify my behaviour. This is called being civil.


You'll find that people will usually respond a lot better to this then you ordering them around as you were some sort of authority figure.


I wanna be friendly with everyone here, so it makes no sense to be anal with me.

Lemme tell you a few things:


YOUR responsibility is to read the terms of service and abide by them.


MY responsibility is to keep an eye out for those who do not.


YOU apparently did not read the TOS when you signed up, as evidenced by some of the stuff you have been posting.


I reprimanded you, since it is my job to do so.


YOU are growing indignant and not respecting my position as administrator of these boards.


I can easily make a few clicks and make today the last day you spend on these boards.


YOU can decide to start following the rules around here,




YOU can find a new message board to go to.


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