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Kurgan, I'm concerned

Guest Ray Park

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Guest Ray Park

Do you know Ikhnaton personaly? Because I don't think he's a very good moderator. I think he's sadly disabled in the humor department, and doesn't really understand what moderating is about.


I moderate a forum myself and I know that the best way to have a good forum is to encourage people to express themselves creatively and to keep postings alive with a variety of different types of jokes and humorous comments.


I also know that it's important for people to be allowed to be themselves and not have to worry about over sensative people being hurt and offended by every little thing they say.


Now I have almost always been positive with people and have tried to get some humor going. This whole forum seems a little lacking so I might just move on to another one, yet while I'm still here I'd like to not be bothered by some anal retentive with a low self esteem and poor sense of humor who takes himself too seriously.


Now I rarely swear, I'm never abusive, and I'm rarely insulting in any way, so please tell Ikhnaton to pull his plug and lighten up (normaly I'd just tell him he can kiss my hairy a$$, but that would be disrespectful so I won't).




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