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Server Performance Problems


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Originally posted by Murad_666

I forgot to mention....

When somebody connects I get usually like 500 - 800 ms inside this message :


Hitch warning: 658 msec frame time


The hitch warning is just the Cpu taking a bit of time to "think" nothing major to worry about and nothing you can do but to upgrade the Processor. 600ms isn't bad at all. I'm running a overclocked 500 and i get hitch warnings in the 1000-3000ms range..


I too would be interested in knowing what you have the maxrate set at.. I'm on a dsl 640/272 line and I run a 6 player nf Duels server and a 6 player NF FFA server (occasionally) with the maxrate at 7700 and haven't had any problems.

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Thank you for your interest. Here is the configuration file of my server. If you have any remarks whatsoever please tell me.


// Server Config

seta sv_hostname "Lausanne JM Murad"

seta g_motd "Welcome to saber battlegrounds!"

set Location "Switzerland"

set Administrator "Murad"

rconpassword ************


seta sv_master2 "master.gamespy.com:27900"

seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"

seta sv_master4 "clanservers.net"

set sv_maxclients 16

set g_inactivity 0

set sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 1

set timelimit 20

set capturelimit 20

set g_maxForceRank 6

set g_autoMapCycle 1

set g_weaponDisable 65531

set g_gametype 5

set g_saberLocking 1

set g_log "games.log"

map ffa_yavin

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Hi all,

I don't know if there is any fix for this but I have the following problem. I wun a Linux Server on an AMD Athlon 800 with 1GB of memory PC133. I have a cable modem line capable of 512 kb per sec. I connect from work to my server at home and everythis works fine. As soon as three other players connect the problems begin. The game seems to freeze and they get a lot of "Connection Interrupted" messages until someone looses connection and then the game starts working again. During the freeze all players have 999 ping but normally they have like 100-200 ping.


I tested the server with 19 bots spawned and everything worked fine as well.


I dunno if it's because of my line. I checked the stats With 3 players connected :


Network use 8.5 - 12 kb per sec

Processor use 12.9 - 25.3 %

Memmory use about 33 MBs


If anybody is having the same problem please help me.

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