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Hey Obi Tom...

Guest Ray Park

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Guest Ray Park

You need to chill. Just don't laugh if you don't think something's funny. You're sense of humor isn't the only one there is, so relax and let other people have their fun.


Besides, it's not like your a barrel of laughs yourself. But anyways, I've never said anything insulting to you (in fact I complimented you on your pic of Maul and Obi Wan) and that whole clash thing was just a harmless sarcastic joke.


So please just take a deep breath and relax. You're gonna have a heart attack if you keep up this level of tension.


On another subject, how do you put pics on your postings (I don't know much about html)?

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi

sorry ray to puyt pics on you right click on a picture you want then go on profile click on the signiture box and press control and v the at the start of the writin type and at the end type ask kanigget for more detail.




"if you strike me down darth i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine!

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Guest Ikhnaton

Ray, if people are offended by what you post, the problem is that YOU are not staying within the guidelines of what is acceptable here. it is not THEIR problem.


The sooner you realize this, the longer you will be allowed to stay here.

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Guest Ray Park

I'm sorry guys. I just don't care if a few of you don't happen to "like" my humor.


I haven't said anything negative about anyone untill now. And even now I haven't actually flamed anyone. I talk to you directly Ikhnaton. And I explained my feelings articulately. I didn't just say "You fool!".


In case you haven't noticed, some people think I'm funny. You ever think that maybe you're just being too sensative? I mean seriously, am I attacking anyone? Am I posting obscene pictures? Am I using obscene language? NO! I didn't.





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Guest the13thJedi

Ray, just because I think some of your humor is funny, doesn't mean you should use that to enforce an argument with Ikhnaton.


The reason I posted that topic is so you could maybe listen to a veteran of this board and maybe take in to account, my perspective on the things that are happening here...

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Guest Ikhnaton

do you have amnesia? have you totally forgotten about the thread you started that i closed? if you can't see the reason I closed it, you're denser than i thought.

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Guest Ray Park

Are you reffering to the one where I pretended to have something in my throat? What's bad about that? How is that against the rule? I just think you're uptight and on a power trip. I admit the thread I called Ooh It's Touching Me had an inapropriate title, and I apologise, but you closed a different thread, one that was in no way offensive at all. I just don't get it.


Also you continue to be insulting. You call honestly yourself a moderator?


Why is everyone defending this guy? Am I really the only one who sees his blatent disregaurd of the principles of moderating?





BEER! BEER is my ally!

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Guest Hannibal

Yes, you are the only one.



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