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Do you want to see the Yuuzhan Vong in an expanion pack?


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I'll take a wild guess about the "killed". But I think it would be awesome if you could use some powers against the Vong but not all and it takes a bunch of hits to kill the Vong warriors instead of one.



Heres what I mean with the powers...


- Jump and Speed only work with lightsaber attacks.

- Pull and Push don't work against the Yuuzhan Vong.

- Force Heal, oh yeah, only works on you.

- Force Grip levitate the Vong up and throw them down. [this is a game not the films]

- Jedi Mind Trick, no way.

- Force Lightning, would work, get to zap em Vong.


And if you could use their weapons. That would be sweet.

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Originally posted by icefox98

Which book!? Must...know....


Maybe Chewie still lives....


Must....know.....tell me what happens....I don't feel like reading another NJO book, horrible stuff.




e-mail meh what happens



I actually like the NJO...


But anyways, what do you mean by another?

Chewie's death occurs in the first book. You obviously haven't even read this series. Try giving something a chance before you start bashing it.

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Yes, Chewie is dead. He died on the planet of Sernpidal when the Yuuzhan Vong drew it's moon out of orbit and crashed it onto the planet. For all you Chewie fans, i can say this; He died saving Anakin Solo, who in turned saved Han Solo.


Chewie was stoic and defiant in the face of his certain death. Horray for Chewie! Oh, and this happened in the very first New Jedi Order book, Vector Prime.


OK, as for the Topic-- HELL YES, give us the Yuuzhan Vong. No more tired and stupid dark jedi bent on ruling the world, now we have an entire race of the Sith hell bent on eradicating everyone and claiming this galaxy for themselves!


(Well, it's my hypothesis that the Yuuzhan Vong are the Sith. Granted, they are from a different galaxy, but they are galaxy-hoppers. Besides that, the leader of the Yuuzhan Vong, Shimmirra, is a descendent of a sith lord from thousands of years ago... The Vong also practice sith techniques, such as the one they use to alter creatures and such? Sith Alchemy, baby!


AND the fact that the Yuuzhan Vong are immune to the force is what probably happens when you spend thousands of years immersed in the dark side-- The force completely rejects you. So, yeah, IMHO The YV are the Sith who have finally returned.)


But anyway, it's a fresh break from dark jedi this, dark jedi that. And you know what? I don't play JKII for using force powers anymore... I play it to match my lightsaber skills against the CPU or others... And Melee combat is something that Yuuzhan Vong do in ernest.

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"Fearsome invaders from another galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong are the greatest threat faced by the New Republic since the collapse of the Empire. The Yuuzhan Vong are singular in their goal in conquering this galaxy filled with infidels, and transforming it into the new Yuuzhan Vong home, as dictated by their gods. They will sacrifice anything for their religious beliefs, and many worlds have been sundered in their crusade.


The Yuuzhan Vong have a physical appearance quite similar to baseline humanity. They have thicker builds, and less hair atop their heads, and their custom of ritual mutilation helps obscure all but the most superficial resemblances to humans.


The Yuuzhan Vong glorify pain not only as a motive for action, but as a state of living. In much the same way as the Yuuzhan Vong gods resculpted themselves to create their galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong too alter their bodies for greater purpose. The higher a social rank a Yuuzhan Vong achieves, the more his body is modified. Yuuzhan Vong skin is a mottling of scarring and sweeping tattoos, and those of lofty elevation even graft creature or bioengineered body parts onto themselves.


Yuuzhan Vong technology is bizarre and perverse, though it is nonetheless effective. The aliens grow their technology organically. All their devices are bioengineered lifeforms, grown and shaped to fit their needs. The Yuuzhan Vong view inorganic technology -- machinery, devices and especially droids -- as an abomination and affront to their gods.


Among the devices used by the Yuuzhan Vong are amphistaffs, serpentine whips which can harden into rock-hard staves, or flatten to razor-sharp edges. Also used in combat are thudbugs, small thrown insects that detonate on impact. The Yuuzhan Vong wear vonduun crab armor, a living carapace that protects a warrior in combat that can even temporarily withstand blaster strikes and lightsaber blows.


Yuuzhan Vong starships are also living entities. Built of strong yorik coral, these vessels employ creatures called dovin basals for propulsion and defense. The dovin basals can manipulate gravity, and can project miniature blackholes that deflect or absorb incoming enemy fire.


The Yuuzhan Vong invasion began insidiously, with secret agents sent to gather information about the galaxy. Sheathed in ooglith masquers, a body-wide outer skin that disguises the Yuuzhan Vong's true identity, these spies infiltrated key New Republic installations and political hotspots. The Yuuzhan Vong executor, Nom Anor, was a political firebrand, stirring up trouble in the Outer Rim and sowing discord in the New Republic. His inflammatory actions precipitated a full-scale invasion that began on the distant world of Belkaden and in the Helska system. From these points, their path of destruction has spread, even targeting the very heart of the galaxy.


Luke Skywalker's order of Jedi Knights have clashed with the Yuuzhan Vong time and again. Inexplicably, the Yuuzhan Vong are not part of the Force. Their presences do not register in the ubiquitous energy field, and they are immune to Force attacks. Furthermore, the Yuuzhan Vong refuse to acknowledge its existence, attributing Jedi feats to some perverse mechanism embraced by the Jedi infidels.


The course of action to take with the Yuuzhan Vong has split the Jedi ranks. Some, like the hot-headed Kyp Durron, believe it is the Jedi mandate to vanquish the would-be conquerors. Luke Skywalker and others feel that such aggressive actions are against Jedi principles. Nonetheless, several key Jedi -- including Corran Horn and Jacen Solo -- have scored important wins against the Yuuzhan Vong. In retaliation, the aliens have asked the battle-weary Republic to capture and deliver as many Jedi as possible, in return for a cease of hostility.


The outcome of this terrible conflict is still years away, and many valiant Republic heroes have fallen to the Yuuzhan Vong violence. A key to victory has yet to appear, but the Jedi and the New Republic are working tirelessly to find a way to defeat this foe, and save what remains of the Republic before it is too late to turn the dark tide."


-Star Wars Databank



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the vong are immune to the foce, so push, pull, grip ect wouldn't work on them, but telekenisis would work on the environment, anakin solo kills a vong by pulling a boulder off a cliff onto it, so to still have use of force powers in a fight, it would have to be possible to manipulate the majority of the environment.

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The weapons that the Vong use are all organic. Their Amphistaffs or Tsaisi's are all living creatures which they employ.

(They're pretty odd. They are spear weapons, but at the user's coaxing, they can become razor-sharp whips.)


As for sensing the weapon itself, However, I DO believe it's possible, but it is about as diluted through the force as everything else about the Vong is. And


And yes, the Vong are almost totally immune to the force... However, any force power which affects only the Jedi, (Force Speed, Dark Rage,) work just fine against the Vong. You can also, for example, use the force to rip a tree out of the ground and drop it on a Yuuzhan Vong, but a tree is a living thing, and ripping it out of the ground to kill is of the dark side... :jawa

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