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Faster way to beat Droid Starfighter?

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I know that 10 to 1, there isn't, but I'll give this a try. (I know, I know, "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.")

Is there any way to speed up defeating the droid fighter at the end of level 1? Any Force powers, special moves or items, anything that could help? It seems like it could take forever!

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Guest Dave Maul

I found it best during the second phase to turn on one of Adi's special items (the protective shield). I did this by accident and didn't make the 24K target. frown.gif




Dave Maul

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Guest DarthMace

<center> Mace's saber throw will kill it in 2 to 3 throws





DarthMace the evil clone of Mace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


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Thanks, Dave Maul and DarthMace, I never thought of those options!

Also, about defeating it the way you're "supposed to", it seems to me that blocking is pretty random in this game- you have no idea where the deflected shots will go. Anybody know a way to "aim" the deflected shots? This, too, would hasten the demise of that Droid Fighter!



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Guest Darth Wart

I infer there is something critical you don't know: if you deflect the shot just at the moment it reaches you, it'll go right back at the shooter.


No wonder it was taking you so long!


BTW, Mace's saber throw doesn't come till the end of the next level, which is why I didn't mention it. It is the most powerful and versatile attack in the game, though.






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http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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Guest Dave Maul

I see the sig's not working. Let me help:


This is where your site is: http://fan.starwars.com/MarkenobisSite/HomeScreen.html. To get this turned into a link, you need to add http:// http://fan.starwars.com/MarkenobisSite/HomeScreen.html , except without the spaces between the brackets and the address.


Edit this message to see how I did it: http://fan.starwars.com/MarkenobisSite/HomeScreen.html




Dave Maul


[This message has been edited by Dave Maul (edited June 29, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Okay, I don't know what happened there, but apparently it does it automatically now. I have no idea why yours doesn't work.




Dave Maul

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

One trick I've noticed when fighting this boss is to stay towards the upper left of the platform. In the second phase of the battle, the rifle droid coming from the left side seems to get stuck or something like that, so only the droid from the right comes to attack. This makes the battle a little easier, and allows you more time to focus on blocking the shots the boss shoots at you.




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Guest Solrya

Try dying every time you get a checkpoint. or at least go for those stuff in the elevator platform #2 part (there should be a challenge, ultimate powerup, 2,500 extra points, and a force up. get these in order. They are located at the bottom.)


Read Darth Wart's Walkthrough for better explanation...

or at the Starfighter part, try running away for the shots instead, that way, you get to destroy the droids. If you got around 22 or 23K, you should be ok, cause the fighter is worth 2.5K



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Thanks for the tip, but I am just wondering, what did that have to do with the topic of this thread? I'm not asking this to be mean.

Also, I generally ignore the powerups you mentioned now because it seems that I end up falling to my death every time I try to get them.




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Guest 84Elan

I too used to buy the farm when I would try to get those power ups but the simples way to get them is to not worry about falling off. No for real you can jump from the main floor to the flared out pad w/o having to try and cat walk out onto it and you can jump from the flared out part to the main floor in one double jump. It is a hole lot easier than trying to walk real slow and make it out onto the flared out platform. jump out here and get the points/powerup and and then just jump back end of story. 4 thermal detinators and a full force and life bar say you can't pass them up.



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"Got him! I got him!"

"Great, kid! Don't get cocky!"

I assume you can figure out what I mean by the above quotes-well, the 1st one at least.

Also, I still ignore those powerups on the white pillars for 2 reasons: 1. I've learned to live without them and 2. I don't need the points! I've figured out a way to lessen the chance of the droid fighter hitting you, so that you can pick off the blue droids until you have enough points (though it can take awhile). When the droid fighter fires the 3 laser blasts, jump when they're about to hit you. Then, on the second round of 3 blasts, it will fire way over your head!

P.S. I use Darth Wart's doubling back strategy too.




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Guest Stormtrooper

Did you say points powerup? I cannot find the 2500 one in level 1, either of the two in level 2, the 2500 in level 3, either of the two in level 9? can anyone give me IdeaS

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Guest Stormtrooper

Well? Where is the 2500 in level 3 and the 1000 in level 8 and both of the points in level 9 or the 1000 in level 2?????

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Guest Darth Wart

Hmmmmm. Let's see if I can do this just from memory.


The 2500 in level 1 is on one of those big lamps to the south just as you come up the elevator.


The 2500 in level II is just before the worm, in the second crevice. The first 1000 (there are actually two) is on a little lone ledge to 6:00 shortly after you make it up the mushroom tree.


The 2500 in level 3 is to the right of the bushes right of the very last maiden, just before the flame droids.


The 1000 in level 8 is high in the air just after the first black drawbridge or so.


Level 9, both are on the tiled patio sections. The 1000 is with the extra life at the very "bottom" of the cliff section, near where all the potted plants are. And the 2500 is high up the cliff face in another (semi-secret) tiled courtyard section that you can access by proceeding LEFT when you're about to go RIGHT to meet the pilots.








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