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Rogue Planet

Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

Anyone on here read Rogue Planet? I started last night and finished this morning. As you read it you can easily tell that the 12 year old Anakin is well on his way to the Dark Side. It makes me hate him more, the way he treats Obi-Wan. LoL.




qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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The only thing that i hate about "Anikan", are his terrible acting skills. If you ask me, they should have gotten that kid from the sixth sense to play Anikan, they look exactly the same anyway.




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Hannibal

I hate Anakin's policy on the Middle East. But, I support his Trade policy. I'll still probably vote for Clinton(George Clinton). I read some of those Apprentice books with QuiGon and ObiWan. Some were good(ther first 3), others were questionable.



Man Eating Vice President of the Un-Council


BACK, ANGRY AND TAN the REAL Jo Jo has returned from "un-named Third World Country" with renewed energy directed towards taking over.

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B<font color = "yellow">a</font><font color = "green">nG </font>o:


GoOd 2 HAvE yUo BACk, jO-Jo. WOulD yOu LIke A BAnANnA? EEK! EEK!




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest mtw4

I have read a few chapters of the book. I agree that the groundwork is pretty clear for the dark side. Anakin's faults/personality come out much better in the books. You didn't get a feel from the movie as to why everyone has doubts about him. If Lucas would hire a real director, like he did for Empire, I think we could get a richer story from the movie. As it is, we might get that crap script, etc., he pawned off on us in TPM.

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