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New Style Over Substance AVI's released


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I've uploaded 2 brand spanking new AVI's of the Style Over Substance mod in action. Normal demo playback doesn't work correctly with our cinematic camera, so I hacked the client code a bit to get decent demo's of it in action.


The new Foresight AVI shows a reborn (me!) dodging a saber thrown at his head, and then dodging a 360 red leap. The second dodge is most impressive as he dodges to the side and then goes immediately into a small leap to make sure he doesn't get hit. We then see a counter attack with another 360 red leap which Tang easily dodges but misses with a counter attack as he swings over my head as I land.


The 2nd AVI is a video of our implementation of the now infamous model scaling code. We used Tchousky's code as a base and made some modifications to it for technical reasons related to our mod. In the video you see a 1.5 sized Desann get the chop from a teeny tiny .36 scaled Kyle. Kyle adds insult to injury by going into a victory pose with his arms crossed over his chest right over Desann's fallen body.


Here are the links:


Force Foresight Dodges


Desann gets it from a pixie



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