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Stranded by armadillo on tatooine!

Guest obi none

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Guest obi none

im facing the Purple armidillo on tatooine in

in jedipower battles theres a pit in the middle and i think i have to knock him into it,nothing hurts him



obi none

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Guest LukeFlyswatter

Okay, listen up:

At first I thought the same thing, but I

figured it out. After he's done rolling around, he'll either stomp his tail or roar.

while he's roaring (and its pretty hard) get

real close and take a few horizontal (left &

right) swings, but not to many because after he's hurt, he rolls again and you dont want to be in his way. This is hard at fist, but after a while it becomes easy to beat him.

I wouldn't worry about the armidillo in that

level because you got worse to worry about:

DARTH MAUL! Now he's hard! :eek!: I'm stuck

at the same level, but my problem's Mual!


if that don't work, check Darth Wart's guid on this website.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

To make it easy, after you go through the animation before the battle there is a rock sticking out to your right, go and hide (yes, hide) behind that rock. Stay there until the armadillo comes by and roars, then hit him with long range Force or your special (if it's a detonator). If/when you run out of those, use the direct attack with your lightsaber.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited June 03, 2000).]

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

Maul is a piece of cake in Tattoine. All you have to do is keep hitting him with a small combo like Obi's XX or SSS. Once, I kept doing that til he was stuck offscreen. He couldnt hit me and i hit him til he died. There was no difficulty at all. In fact, my older sister did it once and it was like the 1st time she ever picked up a controller.

Final Maul vs. Plo .. now thats the problem...i cant even come close to killing him in that level. I hardly make it past the 2nd encounter.



qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest 84Elan

I agree 100% on the Plo Vs Maul Final I can get some licks in on him but most of the time Maul gets going on me and its all over stick a fork in me I'm done.


As for the armadillo the long range force attacks and iteam toss are a great time saver and life saver and do not worry about draining your force power there is a full power up just as soon as you get out of the armadillo pit and past some sand people.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest Solrya

If it helps, you have to hit the armidillo thing 3 times before it hits the wall. Therefore, it might help if you wait a bit. The only thing I don't quite understand is that whenever I tried to hit it, the thing goes down and I get hurt, but I really don't care about that, as long as you survived...

About Darth Maul on Tatooine, it was easy! I just hack away as fast and as furious as I could. Usually, if I'm mad, that would work, at least I have something to express my anger at, LOL!

Damn the level developers for not adding some health packs during the fight with the Gungan boss at level 7!!!




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Guest 84Elan

If you are stuck at the Gungan boss who are you using? Warts guide will help you greatly but also a few tips for the general boss as a whole. Time your attacks on the gugan idiots before the boss so that you can nail them before they shock you with their how rude sticks. As for the boss he is a faily big smaking bag that goes off sometimes and lets loose with a big bag of smack your arse. you know the battle is half over when the boss starts tossing boomers To minimize the boomers try to get right at his feat or off to the side of the rock to avoid the boomers some times you will other times no but its better than running around like a idiot. Remember your lock on move and saber thrust it will kill the little gugans much quicker than a combo. As for the boss just give him hell and do not let him go off on you some times he will be do not let him have time ot rest combo the hell out of him and you shall soon be on your way to "outlanders no again."




Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest master psionex

in fighting dart maul ontatooine, there is a health bubble hidden to the right behind a stone column in the back of the screen.if using plo the square button hit repeatedly worked best for me,also if you have his xx combo it's fun to watch darth maul go soaring but not easy to do.


in level 10 use force x(laser bolt) on maul at a distance it won't kill him but a couple of good hits and he's easier to beat.then just move in and keep hitting that square button.for the final fight scene use your body shield(force square).


keep on fighting



patience is vital,remember to breathe,everything else will fall into place

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Guest Plo Koon is No. 1


Stand behind that triangular rock to your right, and wait until he gets near you, swings around, and roars. When he roars, run in, swat him, and run back to your little rock. Rinse and repeat.



On Tatooine, it's fairly easy. Just smack him with all you've got. Set up a good combo, and when you hit him, it's over. Combo after combo and he's toast. And yes, there are a couple goodies on the right side of the screen. Surprisingly, Plo does pretty good here (just hope Plo can last for over three seconds on level 10, though).

You killed Maul on level five?! KEWL!!! (of course, by level 10 he's forgotten he's dead)


Gungan fella:

Yeah, when he tosses out his Boomers, just stand near the rock he's on and he won't hit you. And don't even try to fight the Gungans that come before you meet him. Just sneak by them; they won't chase after you (however, you have to kill the last four or so).


Hope I helped! tongue.gif

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