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Kinja About your yoda model

Lord Siraious

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There's a huge discussion about it in the coding forum. Dest's mod (what I consider to be the official JediMod ) is at version 1.1, there is no 2.0 right now. There is JediMod++ v2.0 out there, but that is not supported by Dest, although it is based off JediMod It has basically the same features of 1.1 but has some strange things w/ the saber blocking and other such stuff from the JK++ mod.

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Anywhere I can get 1.1 then? 'Cause ++ v2.2 isn't working for me, I keep getting sent to the main menu with "Server Disconnected." and I don't even know why. I tried taking out all my custom hilts, still didn't work. :-/

So where can I find 1.1?

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Yeah, people other than Dest should not be using the "jedimod" name. It can get very confusing if you don't get the latest word from Dest himself.

Jedimod 1.1 is Dest's latest version.

Here's a link posted by Dest in a Coding Forum Thread (I'm downloading it right now).




Hope that works :)

I'm so glad he has figured out saber hilt selection, that is tremedous!!





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Speaking of yoda issues, yoda dosent seem to dismember, and he is pretty hard to play with but that is ok because that means only 1337s can use him. Any version of jedi mod should work i think, i have 1.0 and yoda was short. Saber lengths might be affected by different jedi mods. (i dont know much about it, i am just guessing on the saber scaling part)


I played around with yoda a little bit more, and i found out it wa just extremely hard to get him dismembered. I played for a while and a bot chopped off his head and it rolled away.


Excellent work team yoda, you should work together again. Best model for jk2.

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