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New Guy For DreamCast

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

I hope everybody has now heard of the new secret character for the Dreamcast version of JPB (Early rumors say it's Ki-Adi-Mundi).


So here's a section to post any comments you have.

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Guest Kurgan

I hope they do some tweaking and bug-fixing for JPB for the DC... but, from what I have been hearing the only difference between this and the PSX will be better graphics and the new guy.


Everybody thinks it's Ki Adi Mundi because of his name being in the credits, right?


Or will it be the LEC Logo guy (oh please, oh please!)?


I'd much rather they fix the problems with the other version (like no mid-air attacks, and no actual difficulty levels, and no way to stop overly long swinging animations, bugs, etc).



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Guest 84Elan

I hear ya Kurgan that is one thing that I really missed was the ability to jump up and then bring a attack down on someone you know like in the intro of the game where Plo, Gon, and Ali do their slice and dice on the turret droid. Oh well you can always dream right?

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

You'd think the air attacks would be a given, but nooooooo! No jumping air attacks, blocking droids, long levels with no saving until you beat the level, the list goes on. This is a fun game, but it could have been much better, graphics and gameplay wise.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Dave Maul

I'm sure LucasArts will take the additional time to remove as many bugs as possible. This is what they did with the European (PAL) version of the game. It was due out on the 21st May, and it was pushed back two weeks to remove a couple of bugs.


Just interesting to see...If anyone here has a Dreamcast, are you planning to buy the game again?

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Guest 84Elan

If I had a dreamcast I am sure like an idiot I would buy it again just to see how much better they made the game if at all. But alas I do not have a DC and do not think that I will get one with PS2 so close. It would be neat to see how a Jedi Master from the PS version could stand up in the DC version I bet not so hot at first all the buttons are diff and the controller is so BIG.

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Guest Dave Maul

Yeah, you're right. Those Dreamcast controllers look really weird.


I'm planning to get a PS2 at Christmas, so if LucasArts release the game for that (they should, it's only fair), I might rent the game to see what it's like on a 128-bit system.

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I've had it with both Lucas Arts and Dreamcast, theres only one thing left to do....


I'm sending Bango after them, he'll teach them how to program some air attacks. (I think a trained ape could do a better job then Lucas Arts anyway...)




Also, i think if they ever jump attacked, they shouls scream "Death from above" on the way down. smile.gif




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Hannibal

As a Playstation owner, I hate the fact the Lucas Arts used me as a guineau pig to improve the game for Dream CAst. Why didn't they just create a BETA? Bunch of jerks!!!



Man Eating Vice President of the Un-Council


BACK, ANGRY AND TAN the REAL Jo Jo has returned from "un-named Third World Country" with renewed energy directed towards taking over.

j0236531(t).gif "HeHeHeHe"

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Guest Dave Maul

I've just hopped over to the LucasArts page to read the Press Release again on JPB for Dreamcast. I sure hope this is a typo:


"In addition, power-ups allow players to obtain a variety of items for use in combat such as thermite bombs, shields, and restraining bolts."


What's that about restraining bolts? Is this going to be the secret character's weapon? It's typical of LucasArts to build up people's excitement with a secret character, and then to disappoint them , in this case, by giving that guy a stupid weapon. Throwing a restraining bolt at a droid to stop him for a few seconds so you can get closer and hack it to bits? The game's not *that* hard...

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Hehe...if they're going to go in that direction, I'd rather use Jawa "droid-shocking" gun from ANH. But not like Amidala's in the TPM PSX game...I hated that thing.

Rocket launchers are better. smile.gif

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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

Amidala's droid gun from TPM made me want to throw up on Playstation. That was ridiculous.

BTW, did you guys see the plethora of Episode One games/sw games in general that Lucasarts is pumping out? There are 5 new games coming out! Theres that Starfighter, then theres Battle for Naboo, and Obi-Wan, and JPB for Dreamcast, and Bombad Racing, and that SW Destruction game (ripoff of Twisted Metal). Not to mention their non-SW games. No wonder their games come out so messed up!

I am still ticked off about not being able to do a Maul-Quigon duo! And whats so different about Jedi mode? So far all ive noticed is the droids walk and shoot. Sheesh!



qui02.jpg Sorcerer_Vinny

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Guest Plo Koon

<font color="yellow"> I also think that it "might" be Ki-Adi as the secret character. As for the dreamcast---I hate it. Remember back when Sega Saturn came out and was so damn cool? Then PSX came out and ripped the SS a new one? Well, that's what's happening here. DC comes out, rules for 2 months, never seen again because of PS2.





May God grant us the Wisdom

to discover the right,

the Will

to use it, and the

strength to make it Endure

-Prayer of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Yeah, in the case of consoles, "The early bird does not catch the worm."


That's especially true with Sega consoles!




I really need to shrink this picture.

Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I dunno...the Dreamcast is build to be upgraded and survive the upcoming competition.


I personally own a Dreamcast, and it does look to me like they are working with their consumers' ideals and needs in mind.

After all, the Dreamcast put an already-bankrupt company into debt, and they need consumer support to bring them back again.


Besides that, just about every game I've played (with the exception of Sonic Adventure...shudder...) has been awesome.

I suggest renting Soul Calibur and Crazy Taxi for a couple of nights.


How many of you have actually played with a Dreamcast for more than 5 minutes at the mall?



[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 12, 2000).]

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