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model scaling problems with jedimod v1.1


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I can not get the modelscaling to work for Jedimod. does the tckmodel.cfg stay in hte jedimod dir or go to the base folder? do i add a line in my server.cfg to exec the tckmodel.cfg? I've tried several different ways but the scaling just doesnt happen. Any suggestions?

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Originally posted by Dest

Just leave it in your JediMod directory and dont have the server exec it. make sure mod_scalemodels is 1 and mod_funmode is 0

then type /model yoda in teh console


well i tried it and no luck. Yoda is just as big as the wookiee. and the wookiee is just as small as kyle.


for the mod cvars, do they go in the server.cfg in the base folder, or in the autoexec.cfg in the jedimod dir?

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I'm running it too and the model scaling is great. I disabled the two sabers but allowed the darth maul saber. The two saber was buggy on my server. You can also limit the stances available with the double saber to make it more ballanced. Well its just a fun MOD. I had some server crashing issues at first but I think it pretty stable now.

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Well heres an update if ppl care. jm++2.2 felt weird so i gave v1.1 another swing and it works like a champ. My problem, from what I can tell, is that i had my server.cfg in the base folder when i needed to be in the jedimod dir. humph who knew?

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O.K. next question. Whats upo with the ppl on the server who can shrink down to "nothing" ? I was on the ffa_bespin, and just sitting their watching a duel and then i was gripped by "nothing". I was quick to figure that someone had shrunk down, and someone on the server told me it was a "mr. flea" command. I cant find any refrence to it in the docs or in my tckmodel.cfg.


So how do users control their model size? I thought that their size was constrained to the tckmodel.cfg on the server?!?!?

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