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Gee force 2 Card compared to Voodoo 4


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My father just bought my love again with a new computer, its coming in the mail, it comes with a 2.0 GHz processor (compared to my pentium 2 i have currently) , cable modem (compared to my 56k now) a Geeforce 2 grapics card 64 bits i think, and i was just wondering how much it will improve my gameplay over the Voodoo 4 im using now.


Also, with my Voodoo 4 JK2 sucks, single player sucks because none of themovies load play properly and sometimes the font gets blurry. and multiplayer sucks, the words get all scrambled and because of that i can vote or see anything.


will that problem be fixed with my new Geeforce? should i upgrade to a new g force card, like a 4?



anyway, all help is appreciated


thanks everyone



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Definitely do get a Ge Force 4 when you can.


Ge Force 2 is fine, but as others have stated, Doom 3, Quake IV, UT2003, Unreal II, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Battle Field 1942 (to name a few) are all coming and they are going to require a sh*t load of graphics power -- At least Doom 3 is being designed specifically for the Ge Force 4 series.


I just upgraded from a Ge Force 2 MX 400 to a Ge Force 4 Ti4400 and overclocked it to Ti 4600 specs (300MgHz core clock and 650 Memory speed bandwith) and it breathes incredible new life into older titles like Quake III, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, and Medal of Honor to name a few.


I can play both SP and MP with everything maxed out - minus AA - And get an average of about 99 fps depending on ping and what is being rendered.


And of course, newer titles like Solider of Fortune II, Sum of All Fears and Ghost Recon also perform just as well if not better with an up-to-date card of this magnitude as you would expect.


This is what the industry is heading towards: Games that not only play well, but look well while being played -- Which was always the great trade-off until now.

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