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Ray Park

Guest Saesee Tom

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Guest Ray Park

You have discovered my secret. I am not the real Ray park, and I think it's funny that someone almost believed me. Nah, just some guy who likes Star Wars and thinks Maul was too good for the episode 1.





BEER! BEER is my ally!

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Guest Venkman

Darth Maul should have lived, then they could have had a fight between Anakin and Maul in Ep2 or 3 to see who would become the next apprentice...Just like Kenobi and Maul. Gee I wonder who was gonna win?

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Guest the13thJedi

Venkman, if I'm not mistaken you could have said all of that with 1 post. Better knock it off before Kurgan of Ik catch wind, that's a no-no on this board.

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Guest Venkman

Sorry, I need to think before I post. It's just that when I post the message, I either realize a mistake or think of something else to say when it's too late...

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Guest 081-K3N081

Don't Worry Ray, Your Secret is safe with us.


Besides we will always believe you


may the alter-ego be with you!

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Guest ChosenOne


You can edit any post you put on this board by clicking on the edit button. This works better than posting a new message and it's a little easier to do.




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