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Big Yoda

Revan Bakr'

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Do I need something special to do that? Because everytime I try to open that it says there are no viewers registered to view this file. Would you like to try default viewers? Then it shows me digits concerning the size of the models, but I can't change them. Any Ideas?

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open the tckmodel.cfg file in Notepad.


at the bottom somewhere it should say:


"Yoda" #.# #.#


change the first #.# to the scale you want him to be (I use 0.5 to make him half as tall as every1 else) and the second for the scale of his saber (or change the second one to 0.0 to just be the same as his scale)...


then, start the game, load the mod and yoda should be the right size (u need the jedimod v2.2++, i believe, btw)

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

Brikis, when I try to do that it says that there are no registered viewers for this file but it still lets me look at it. But I can't change the digits!!


just open notepad (click start->accesories->notepad)


then, click file->open


then, under file type, select "all files"


finally, go to the directory where the .cfg file is, click it and click open.


that should allow you to view and edit the file with notepad

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Originally posted by Skrig

Hey there....excuse me for interfering, but I's like to down scale Yoda aswell - afterall who doesn't - but what .cfg file is it that i should open - there's no yoda.cfg!?


Didn't you read the entire thread, Skrig? Lionen said you should edit the tckmodel.cfg file in the jedimod folder. (You must download JediMod.) Open it and look at the last line, it says: ""Yoda" 0.6 0". If that's not small enough for you, (it's not to me) Change it to ""Yoda" 0.4 0.5" or something. That's what I use.

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Hey thanks...and yeah I think i read the entire thread, ut prolly not quite intensly enough:)


And thanks, but my real problem is that when i choose JediMod and try to load it, my game goes onto a grey screen and freezes....could the problem be that I haven't installed 1.04 patch yet?

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