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Guest Solrya

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Guest Solrya

I don't get it, where is Ki-Adi-Mundi? I know he's in the game, but which level? I'm sooo confused, if anyone has answers to these QA, then reply asap!




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Guest 84Elan

This subject has been talked to death in this form and unfortunatly the truth of the matter is that right now in this space and time Ki is not in the game.


Even though he is listed as a voice in the crdits in the back of the game. It would seem that he was cut or something went duff in the game right at the end like the drag racing in GT2 and they took him out.


I tend to think that deep down in the game some where there are two secret players one for mace's place and one for Ali's place in the jedi temple I mean it seems logical that it would be so with Maul patanken and the Queen we need two more. Perhaps in time a code will be given to enable them or maybe they are not there at all but that just about sums up the months of debate that had gone on conserning the hidden characters. May the force be with you.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 04, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

This is sort of related.


Do Maul, Panaka and Amidala have their own voices and intro movies for level 8, or are they the same movies as Qui-Gon, Plo and Obi-Wan?


Captain Panaka isn't listed in the credits, so does Plo Koon talk to the other characters (like Anakin)? I think Ki-Adi-Mundi was supposed to be the secret character for Plo, and it was changed to Panaka at the last minute, so the credits are switched.


Also, when does the TC-14 droid talk in the game? Grey Delisle (Amidala) does the voice of her as well.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

On some parts they have their own voices (I think), but on others they don't even speak at all. They don't have their own movies. It's pretty annoying.

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Guest 84Elan

One thing for sure this game is not finished well at all. No cut sences for any of the extra characters no voices for them other than grunts and screams. I have not played the game all the way through with patanken or the queen but Maul has no cut seen at all it is simply Obi Wan's who they show instead


Note: Maul does not yell at anakin nor does he say he is here to save the queen. No TC-14 either. For some reason the sound really gets the shaft in JPB much like it did for the pod racing game for the 64 I mean we all saw the movie and expect the game's to sound no different, well No Dice.


BTW nice drawing of Sing Solrya your own handywork?


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 04, 2000).]

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Guest Solrya

No, it just happened to be a work of the artist that works for Star Wars, but I want to draw a pic of her..I don't draw bad, trust me. The problem is I don't always find the time...I'll put it up when I'm finished




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Guest Dave Maul

So it could be possible that Ki-Adi-Mundi (and maybe TC-14!) are secret characters, only available by a code. We'll see when Lucas releases them. Ki-Adi-Mundi would be good to play as, but what the hell would you do with TC-14? The best thing I can think of is you reflect light a few feet, making your human enemies blink a few times. Wow. You can really do some damage there :-)

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Guest Stormtrooper

HEY!!!!!! Don't dis with my favorite character in the film!! It would ROCK!!! You can, er... er... er... serve drinks in an insulting manner????

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yeah, the pic is titled "Babe Fett", and was conceptual art for Aurra Sing, in The Phantom Menace.

Doug Chiang is the man. smile.gif

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Guest Solrya

If I tried to draw another picture of Aurra Sing, I'll feel bad about it, I'll just draw some other character instead, and put it in my signature.

LOL at Acid_Rain327's Comments. I suppose it is true... cool.gif


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