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A Disturbance In The Force?

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

I'm playing through Level 10 with Plo Koon (Aurghh!), I use my Force Lightning a few times on the first encounter. When he runs off down the steps, I ran the other way like a coward to see if you could go back to the hanger. I hit an invisible wall, and turned around. And there was a set of sparks in the middle of the room, appearing and disappearing over and over again in 3-second intervals. It's happened the last two times I tried.


I'm playing the UK version, so it may be different, but has this happened to anybody else?




Dave Maul

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Guest Darth Wart

Yeah, me too. Particularly when you have a laser and you shoot him to pieces when he's offscreen. Then, when you finally advance to where he was, that mysterious cloud is still there.


A force-fart?






Currently the revised strategy guide is being housed (ON ONE PAGE!) at

http://darthwart.tripod.com/page1.html, which will be the address until Kanigget gets back at the end of June.

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Guest Solrya

Yeah, it happened to me too, and I'm playing the Canadian version (unless the US version was shared with Canada), I guess this happens in all version...

I'm guessing it's just a mark or something, trying to show you that Darth Maul is using his Electric Judgement (Force Lightning).



"Just because I'm a 15 year-old doesn't mean I can't be a Jedi Knight"



The Force is with you...always.


[This message has been edited by Solrya (edited June 30, 2000).]

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