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Enabling jedimod through console only?


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I have uploaded jedimod 2.2++ on my server and would like to know if there is a way to change the server to run jedimod with a few rcon cvars? I know the readme.txt explains how to start a jedimod server with a command line parameter or through the mod screen but both those ways are not currently an option to me... I doubt I can use rcon but if i can, what do I do?:cool:

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Get Jedi Runner ....http://runner.gameadmins.com

and do the folowing (from email i got from the author..):



1. Open Runner and set all your options, map cycles etc.

2. Save you mapcycle file.

3. Export the server configuration (edit to add MOD specific cvars if required)

4. Export a batch file to your gamedata folder.

5. Close Runner.

6. Edit the batch file command line and add the name of the MOD, for example +set fs_game modnamehere

7. Move all configs to the MOD folder.

8. Double click the batch file to kick off the server.


It works great!!!

just make sure ,and this is important, not to have more than

1 or 2 "sets" commands...other wise ull get a "info string length exceeded" msg.

hope this help cheers!


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