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Where can I get JPB cheap?

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Where can I buy JPB for the cheapest price. It is not out here in Norway yet, but i cant wait any longer, so ill have to pre-order it. Where is the cheapest place to do that?



Hunger leads to donuts...



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aww, dude, i have no idea, ask acid rain, though, he seems to know just about everything [by the way, your picture/signature is the funniest thing, man!]






"Only on days that end with 'y'"


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter



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Guest Qui-Gon Jim

I'd check Mobshop.com. It worked for me, got it for $15. You have to wait like 2 weeks after you order it though, but for $15 I decided to wait.

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Guest Thermal

You can probably find it real cheap if you wait another month. The stores will slash the prices by then because no one will be buying it. I hate to say it, but outside of Hardcore Star Wars fans, VERY few people are going to put up with JPB's absurdly bad controls and programing glitches.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Thnx guys!


And my pic rockz yes!



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Come on , someone must know where to get it



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Jedi Trunks

yo, do u have a converter to play imported games?







Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell booty."

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Guest Darth_Simpson

No. In fact, I have no Playstation either. I was gonna use the emulator Bleem.



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

You could find a kid that has it and threaten to kick his butt if he doesn't give it up.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, I'd try places like FuncoLand, eBay or somewhere you can get it used.

Because it's such a new game - not to mention a part of such a popular franchise - you won't be able to get it new, for a cheap price, for maybe 6 months.

Try the same places for a PSX system - you can get a Dual Shock Core System for like $100 now - that's a good price, considering the $200 price tag from just last year. =]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Thnx guys


I`m gonna threaten a little kid right now...



Hunger leads to donuts...



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