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Unknown attacks

Guest Solrya

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Guest Solrya

I've noticed something about Adi Gallia, it could be possible that it applies to the other characters, but Adi Gallia has some unknown attacks that isn't in the manual at all. the first one was the square, square, cross. The other was the square, square, triangel(maybe you should hit it a million times to make it work, hehe). the first on, I think she slaps or kick the droid ending with a split. the other one it ends with , you know the second part when you hit the triangel twice. it ends like that. If I found more, I'll post it up on my webpage http://members.xoom.com/Solrya/jpbm.html it isn't up yet though.




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Guest DarthNemesis

Hey, you're right! Hidden attacks. Cool, keep looking.





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Guest 84Elan

I do not know but It seems to me that some characters have a laundry list of combos that you can choose from is it possible to play through the game and not get them all? Or once you beat the game with that character are you given all those moves with out being shown?


Hey Lucasarts what about Maul are we just sapposed to push buttons or what? Love the No force push/force push move though with Maul.

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Guest DarthNemesis

I found more: I don't know if these count, but....






Mace and Obi have SS listed as a combo, so I guess they count.





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Guest Solrya

I have a feeling that those SS and TT and XX might be there because they were kind of there. They probably presumes that you are too nervous or something to bother finding them...

But I would count those.

I suppose you can't get them all...I don't know why though...That's why you have to choose carefully.




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Guest cajun_master

yeah darth maul has secret moves to

s=sqaure x=x t=trangile o=o

invisible fake froce push x,x,t

unlimited combo slowly push s alot

make maul hiss s,s fast thin t,t slow

long one s,s fast thin x,x,t

ya ya ya x,x,x

ya ya wosh x,x,s

thats all i know hope it helps!

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Guest Solrya

You can actually make Darth Maul hiss? Holy ****! I can't believe that! anyway, you guys ruined the secret stuff for me! LOL, j/k. Don't worry, the more I know the better...If I had found out more secrets that you hadn't found, I'd give them to ya!




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Guest DarthMace

<font color=redorange> <center> hey Solrya did you draw that pic or did your rip off the web ?





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Solrya

Ripped it, I just don't have the time to draw my own...as for the website, I'm still working on it. With School and stress and etc. etc, it's cutting through. But I'll try to get an original pic and set the website up. smile.gif

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Guest Solrya

I don't kow why I should waste the space to say this, but LOL.





The Force is always with you...

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Guest DarthMace

<center> ok i'll change it





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

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Guest Solrya

after reading the latest message posted by Darth Mace, my instinct kicked in. So here it goes...


"Aww, you don't have to worry about what other ppl thinks of your idea, Darth Mace. It is their opinion. Unless a whole bunch of ppl decides that it is stupid. But Ray's just one guy."


There, I said it. LOL. I really don't care about the Darth Mace idea, though...










sorry about that biggrin.gif



The Force is always with you...


[This message has been edited by Solrya (edited June 24, 2000).]

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Guest DarthMace

<center> don't worry about now that i thought about it i decided that instead of being his evil twin i decided to be his evil clone who was create by a drop of Mace's during the clone war and was asign to murder Mace by the emperor and when i failed my mission i ran away and became a mecenary for hire and know i live and train myshelf in my own style of using the force that is neither sith and jedi but a mixture them and my own in my giant bubble house on a private astriod that is half the size of pluto





DarthMace the evil clone of Mace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited June 24, 2000).]

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Guest cajun_master

has anyone done the secret moves with darth maul besides me? there awesome you should do them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Darth Wart

cajun_master is indeed correct.


You CAN make Maul hiss by a fast SS, then a slow TT. I can confirm this, although I would characterize it more as a malevolent exhaling rather than a hiss proper.


And while Maul does have an SS and an XX combo, he has no TT combo.


His XXT combo ends in a gesture of a force push, but there is no force push and no force powers drained, no to mention no damage done. Piece of bad programming, most likely.






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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

I'd bet in the Dream Cast Version he does soemthing really cool instead of that no-push animation crap



Saiyans arnt to be taken lightly fanartssj4vegeta.jpg

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