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servers supporting jedimod++2.2 (i.e Yoda)


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not sure if this is the right forum to put this in but.....

are there any servers that support the jedimod++2.2 so i can use yoda ?

i usually use barrysworld as it allows models and skins but i dont think it supports the sizing mod as yoda always appears giant

I just cant seem to find any servers that support the mod

someone please tell me the name of ones that do


also do you have to load the mod from the menu then join a server which supports the mod or will it use the mod automatically when you join?

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

I'm running it on muy server. You should download jedimod++ and follow the install directions. It won't interfere with your others games and when you join a jedimod++ server you will automatically be able to use the mod.

thanks. is it up 24hrs a day?

anyone running an non saber only ffa server?

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DeadlyBOFH I have another question. There has been much confusion been the jedimod, JK2++, and Jedimod++. I was wondering are you invovled with JK2++ or did you just use their code?


Well I want to know if jedimod++ is basically from the same people that make jk2++. If it is then my next question is why wasn't the jedimod code just added to JK2++? Then you could just release it as the next version of JK2++ with the jedimod enhacements. And since all of the jedimod stuff can be truned off by cvars it doesn't affect people that want JK2++ without the jedimod stuff.


The point is that we need to standardize on these mods so that players don't have to download 4 different mods to play on their favorite servers.

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Originally posted by DeadlyBOFH

Theres a list of them on my site, since i am one of the programmers of jedimod++ 2.2 and releaser.




up to now ive been playing bots ...can't wait to play some real people using small yoda.

i really like the new spinning stance too - time to recreate the end fight of ep2

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Originally posted by Bien

my server is running jedimod++ 2.2 and includes the yoda model along with others. ip is, name is JediPlus w/ Yoda

its for low pings only.... :(

DeadlyBOFH ive been going through your list and it wont let me join any, either it says i dont have the map, just wont sign me in or crashes with an error when it starts. this sucks.

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