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Hey Ray, read this

Guest the13thJedi

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Guest the13thJedi

You may not like the way that Ikhnaton runs this board, but just try to give him a chance... He has done an enormus amount for this board and its users by keeping pornography and obcene language and behavior out.


If you had been here when the worst of the afforementioned things had occured, you would understand why he is at wits-end with your behavior...


I myself do not believe you are a threat to this board. I DO however, believe that your actions are. All I (and most others) are suggesting is that you tone it down just a little. That does not mean that you can not continue to do things the way you like to do them, just try to do them in a reasonable and tasteful way. If you don't, You will most likely be banned, and that does not have to happen...


Now, I don't want you to think that I am attacking you, because your presence adds a bit of humor to this board. I simply wanted to let you know that there are reasons for Ikhnaton actions, and all of the members who were present when he cleaned house understand this reasoning. And I believe that all of us respect him all the more for it...




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Guest Ray Park

GEEZ!!! Listen to you guys! "Dave this a serios post intended for Ray.". LEAVE EACHOTHER ALONE PEOPLE!!! Frickin' A!





BEER! BEER is my ally!

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Guest Pure Guiness


Must this conflict continue for there to be balance in The Force ?



Watchin the game, having a bud


All good things come to those who..............

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by Ray Park:

GEEZ!!! Listen to you guys! "Dave this a serios post intended for Ray.". LEAVE EACHOTHER ALONE PEOPLE!!! Frickin' A!



Anyone else see the irony in this post?







Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest the13thJedi

Dave, I meant no offense. In fact the humor is needed from time to time. However, this post was meant in particular for Ray to read and reply to, regardless of whether or not he did...


Your humor is welcome (in addition to being really funny looking), But humor played a very minor part as to the meaning of this post.


So, I am sorry if I offended you in any way.

And by all means, continue to use your humor to the best of your ability...



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Guest Dave Maul

That's okay. I just thought I could brighten up the topic, in case Ray got the wrong idea.




Dave Maul

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