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Primal Instincts is recruiting!

Guest Sabre9

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Guest Sabre9

Are you looking for a TFFA and CTF clan? Well Primal Instincts is for you!

We have multiple servers(TDM & CTF) and can be found on IRC @ channel (#primalinstinct on EFNET). We are registred on TWL and OGL ladders. We are a small JK2 clan right now, originally coming from R6, but are looking to expand a bit. We have web page(under construction). The address is http://www.primalinstinct.org


We don't let in just anyone, but if you have at least potential and a willingness to practice, you have a shot!


However, we don't accept bad attitudes, "lone rangers", or people who just "talk the talk".


We're in this to compete, but also to have fun. We currently rank 2 on twl TDM full force, and rank 7 on twl CTF. We also rank 1 on ogl tdm ff ladder. We usually match 3-4 times a week depending on if we are challenged/challenge.


We have practices on Sundays at 9pm-10pm EST, and Monday and Wednesday 7pm-8pm EST. People who don't show up for practices without presenting a valid excuse, generally aren't allowed in the nextmatch.


Currently, we support 1.04 base only. However, if enough members want the clan to support a particular mod, that option's always open.


If you can handle having a good time, show at least some skill, and a willingness to go to practices, Email Sabre9 at ejones337@aol.com or BigBirdigo @ peranzo420@hotmail.com or just stop by our irc channel(listed above) for a tryout.


Thank you for your time and hope to be gaming with you soon.

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