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Guest Ikhnaton

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Guest Ikhnaton

OK, I thought it would be good to lay out the ground rules here for those who are new to the UBB experience or new to this board.


This, hopefully, is to prevent me from having to post these rules in offending threads.


These rules are pretty much set in stone for most if not all UBB-based forums, and especially this one.


1. Obviously no flaming. You agree to this in the Terms of Service when you sign on.


2. No redundant threads. This is a no brainer. If you see a thread that says what you want it to say, don't post a new one. So, from now on, use one of the existing "who is here now" threads instead of posting a new one.


3. No frivolous posts to up your post count. Admins hate this and is a waste of server space. Some boards will give you a temporary ban for this. Remember: quality, not quantity is what matters. I believe right now it takes 250 posts to become a Jedi Knight. At the speed that the JPB forums are moving, most of you should be able to achieve this in no time. But do NOT post spam meaningless posts to up your post count.


4. Respect others, and respect those in authority around here. If an admin or mod tells you to do or not to do something, listen to him/her.


I don't want to seem like a jerk or anything, but it is important that everyone adhere to these rules. If you notice in forums like the Cantina and the Racer forums, people are able to discuss religious and political topics and are able to remain civil. We are very proud of this fact. Let's try and keep this forum civil, as well.


Remember, these rules are not here for the mods and admins to keep everyone from having fun, these rules are here to maximize everyone's enjoyment of their experience on these forums.


Thank you in advance, and I hope you all can make us proud.

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Guest Darth Wart

Someone still has to explain to me what "flaming" is. I know, I know, "Read the agreement when you register."


Check it. It's not explained there.


At least, the term "flaming" does not appear.


What is flaming? Many things are discussed in that agreement. Which one of them is flaming?





There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Hannibal

Wow! Im suprised a knowledgeable guy such as your self doesn't know. Hmm, I don't know either but I have an idea. When someone says "you suck", "bite me" or "you can sit on my ding-dong"(what was he thinking?) thats "flaming". I think. Even though some people may suck we have to find more imaginitive, humorous(and appropriate) ways of saying it. I tend to lean towards the humorous(in reserve of course). wink.gif




Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council

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Guest the13thJedi

Hey, Wart.... we got in trouble... who would have thought that was something you could get in trouble for.... Oh Well, Sorry about that Ikhnaton, It won't happen again.

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Guest Darth Wart

yeah, 13th, I would like to apologize to the board mods/admins for that, too.


I didn't think that was something you could get in trouble for, either. (I've seen many people posting replies such as "Yup" and "Wow"; obviously designed to increase their hits, and nothing happened to them.)


I once cussed a guy out for gratuitously attacking Jedi Trunks, and though nobody said anything to me, I kinda regret doing that (the thread became popular).


guess I'm gonna hafta use humor from now on.


One other note to people who might wish to do what 13thJedi and I were doing last night (posting silly two-word posts):


the assignation "Knight" is meaningless. Sure, everybody wants to be called a Knight, instead of an apprentice, but what difference is it going to make to you?


In your personal life, none. Having the appellation of "Jedi Knight" on the JPB certainly doesn't lead to more chicks. Least never has for me.


And as for your life on the forum, it's your reputation among the others that counts. Take me: still a Jedi apprentice, yet I get dozens of ridiculously worshipful e-mails every day, and I don't think my reputation in here is anything to be ashamed of....there are many "Knights" who are obvious numbskulls.


In short, the QUALITY of your postings will determine how the rest of us in here treat you, and how much we respect you.



There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest the13thJedi

Exactly, What we were doin' last night was just goofin' out of the lack of anything better to do.




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Guest Kurgan

Thanks for posting that up Ik.


I would define "flaming" as posting an unnecessary insult or "excessive" attack on another board member. When it comes down to making fun of each other's mom's, swearing, and calling each other naughty names, then it's pretty clear you have a flame-war.


A "flame war" would be where two or more people go on and on in a thread flaming each other.



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Is that allowed?





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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