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What Star Wars character has the biggest teeth?

Guest Darth skywalker

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Guest Darth skywalker

Id have to say Jar Jar.Coming in second Chewbacca.



*Darth skywalker*

*sith lord*




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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I would have to say those pig looking guards for jabba





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest liquidkid

it was princess vespa, before her tooth reduction surgery.





p.l.u.r. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> MCL



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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> That was the funniest movie ever,Acid!Master Yogurat, the RV thingy, it was soooooooo funny!I never saw the whole thing.


I don't know about teeth wise, but nose wise Senator Palpatine's the first! The one scene on Coruscant, when there's a close up of him speaking to Amidala, it took up the whole screen! I'm not joking, see it for yourself. What's worse, I was sitting in the front of the movie theatres then, it's humongous!





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~Afraid to lose her, you are~

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Guest Darth Calypso

"sh*t! i hate it when my schwartz gets twissted!"




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth skywalker

I hate Bill pullman,John Candy,And Rick Moranis.They can all go poop in a sock even if john candy is dead.Oh now i feel bad.



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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