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Jedi Trainer SP mod?


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Well, I was wondering if anyone has made one of these. I know there's several with Desann, Luke, Tavion, and such characters replacing Kyle or whatever. But I've yet to find a Jedi Trainer one. A simple mod just replacing Kyle would be nice. But what would really be cool is like a seperate single player full mod.


Like having the Jedi Trainer.. who is a Jedi Knight, go on a mission or something. You know... protectors of the peace sort of thing. I don't know much about modelling or anything like that. So, I couldn't make it. But if it was at all possible, I think it'd be nifty to have a mission mod pack made only from the prespective of a full fledged Jedi.


Anyway, aside from my dreaming, anyone aware of any Jedi Trainer SP mods?


I don't know about the rest of you, but I always thought the Jedi Trainer was one of the coolest characters in the entire game, that and the fact the AI on him is unbeliable, I've had him take out Desann by himself unassisted sometimes, so someone that bad ass deserves respect. :)

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You know what, i made a mod for my self awile back and i made it to were you were able to be anyone that was in the game but i was going to put it on but i couldnt find a way to send it was to big how does these people that have 11 meg or 15 meg mods upload it?? Any help here would be nice??

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The jedi model's suit remindes me of Star Trek everytime I see it.



Anyway, I also could throw together a quick zip with the proper paks( Kyly to Luke/ Tavion/ Dessan/ Jedi/ Jedi2/ Jan /Jedif /Stormtrooper/ Shadowtrooper/ jeditrainer/ ect), but I'm just learning all this so it could be done in about a day if anyone wants it. Want me to send you the Kyle to Jeditrainer?

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I could toss one up for you...I just finished Kyle to JediTrainer (Took me 30 mins to get it all together and 30 mins of testing, i forgot how fun it was to blast the hell outa stormtroopers).



It should be done in about 30 mins and should only be about 1.5 megs. brb!


I would submit these to jkii.net but I dont know where to find the readme file so I dont infrenge on any copyrights. It basicly states some stuff like my mod wont work with a demo version of jk2 and some other stuff...

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