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The new consoles!

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest Darth_Simpson

The two new big consoles, Playstation 2 and X-Box, will rock the gaming market, no doubt! But which one is the better? X-Box has clearly better specs, and looks totally impressive. Have you seen the presentation video for it? It rocks!!


But I do think Playstation 2 will be a highly successfull console. It has good games coming out, backwards compability and kickass graphics. It will sell by the millions. By the time X-Box comes out, Playstation 2 will be firmly established as the big console. Will the X-Box take over? We all remember the N64, which was supposed to be far superior to the Playstation. Unfortunately, only the graphics were better, and almost no good games appeared. This could happen to the X-Box too!


Gimme your thoughts on these new consoles!!



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Personally, I think PSX II will do better. Sony is already in the market of console gaming, and the majority of consoles sold and owned are PlayStation. So my point is, consumers will be wary of X Box because Microsoft hasn't had a console platform before, Sony has, so more people will buy PSX II because of that. Besides, we all know how well Microsoft programs work on computers (can you say "bugs"?), what's to say they'll work better for console gameing?





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest 84Elan

I rewrote my reply sorry fo the posting problem.


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 05, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

The X Box seems like a kind of vain attempt at a grab for some of the gameing industries profit share. Yet I think it will be short lived. The first problem with it is that you can not play PC games on it the second is that most folks are kinda of leary of a totally new system and producer; why take a chance when you have PS2 and DC to pick from you know what you are getting there because you have played and seen other systems by the company.


PS2 is the big winner with a DVD and reverse compadibility. that means you can play your old favorates as well as some new ones. And when your tired of that just kick in a DVD and kick back and watch.


As for the Dolphin I think it will drown due to the fact that the 64 was such a flop. I mean the 64 was outsold buy a machine that had half the power of it, yeah 64 had cartoon like graphics and the PS you can see pixels but most mature gamers have out grown Mario this and Mario that, it was great when you where 12 or 13 but now in your 20's and 30's you want something more along the lines of Fear Effect,Driver,GT2, Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye. Mario is just not getting the job done anymore. And neither is Pokecrap.The dolphin had no showing at all at E3. Even if you have a Alpha version of a game you bring it to E3 but instead you got nothing mainly cause there is nothing.

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

I'm happy with my Dreamcast,I dont want a Playstation 2,I dont care if its better! I just know I got alot of awsome games right now on it! Slave Zero rocks,Blue Stinger is O.K. and Phsycic Force is the 2nd best fighting game I'v ever played (Dragon Ball GT being number one) Its as close to DBZ will get on the Dream Cast and its funner than eny other game I'v played other than DB GT! smile.gif




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Guest Stormtrooper

Personally I think that Dolphin will be a flop because they've kept it so hushed up. I mean, the other consoles are only getting so much attention because of the hype. I don't know about the X-BOx and the PS2, but I hope that PS2 comes out on top because microsoft should stick at what they do best- no, not performing illegal operations- but PCs. I'd just hate it- At the End of some wicked game like, i dunno, final fantasy X (if there is one) then it says the program is not responding- please press Ctrl Alt Del to restart your X-Box... or whatever anyway who the hell could by a console designed by Bill GAtes????

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Guest ShadeShifter

To Dave Maul:


Yes, the Dolphin is the next system from Nintendo which is due out around the same time as the X-Box.


I'm just going to wait and see which one flops first.




Come to the TimeSlide.

Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.


[This message has been edited by ShadeShifter (edited June 06, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

I can tell you right now, the Dolphin won't flop.

Nintendo has guaranteed it will be anywhere from "as powerful, to 30% more powerful than the PS2". And that's for a price less than $300 people.

Nintendo is a gaming company, and they're damn good at what they do. What I respect about them is the fact that they stick with their chosen field and work their arses off to excell and provide us with quality gaming.

Sony, on the other hand, decided to stray from that and cram a DVD player, an audio player, and a bunch of other junk in, and hike up the price.

So, I'm going with the Dolphin; Nintendo knows what they're doing, they're dedicated to their individual field, and will continue to excell, as opposed to Sony, who's fields range in all sorts of electronics, which they're trying to push on us all at once now.


By the way, anyone think Nintendo will have eliminated jaggies with the Dolphin? smile.gif

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Oh, and on a final note, The X-box will flop for two reasons: It'll probably be more expensive than the PS2, and the fact that it's a Microsoft product.

Anyone who argues otherwise is obviously using Linux.

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Guest Dave Maul

I know what you mean, Acid. My friend (Saesee Tom, if anyone uses the TPM forum) got Windows 2000 a few weeks ago. During the two hours I was using it, it crashed a total of 5 times.


They kind of remind me of LucasArts: They rush to release products that could be made so much better.

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Guest 84Elan

Sorry Acid but I could not disagree with you more. Nintendo has really droped the ball with the 64 I mean when the systems(N64,PS) first came out I was a nintendo fan all the way I mean come on, how could Sony with a 32 bit machine dare go up against the mighty Nintendo. I bought the 64 at first there was not that many games but it was a new system so no worries and the alure or Mario 64 kept you busy till goldeneye came out. But then more and more games started being delayed and canceled just look at IGN64 page for realease dates there are more canceled games than real games. The contol on Goldeneye made every Turok game seem like a joke and the games never really stood out. Many of the titles on the 64 can be found on the PS but not the other way. Just look at April not a single new game for the 64 not one, what the hell is that? That and a $60.00 price tag on new games come on a new game on PS will cost you $54.00 and thats if you buy it at EB in the Mall other than that $44.00 max.


As for Sony Pushing things on us all at once look at the first PS it was $300 it only payed games now the PS2 comes out for the same price and it is a DVD, CD player and a game system with already all the old games you love on it. Thats great how can that be bad? As for Nintendo they are the the biggest add on company in the gaming business. With Pokeman they make the GB stuff a really big hit and make the two games interdependance upon each other in order to beat the game you need both games(nice) then they come out with the Pokemon game for the 64 if you want to use the Pokemon you have on your GB you need to by a transfer pack. Perfect Dark is another example you can only play 35% of the game without a expansion pack($30.00) in order to unlock some of the secrets in the game you need ot have a GB, the Perfect Dark game for GB and a transfer pack. That my friend is called cheap shots.





[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 06, 2000).]

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Guest ShadeShifter

I don't think that the Dolphin will suffer the same fate as the N64 (when dealing with games that is). The reason that a lot of game companies have stopped makeing a lot game for the N64 is because of cross platform issues. It's easier to produce games for systems that use the same format, such as cds. Since the N64 is cartirdge based, programmers faced extra difficulty when trying to produce games between the cd and cartridge platforms.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well Elan, I totally see your point, and a lot of what you said is very true. All gaming companies, however, use these "cheap shots".

How often have you upgraded your computer to make it run faster? A new processor, a faster modem, more ram? How is being able to upgrade your N64 any different? Many, many PC games are unplayable without a 3D accellerator, and so goes for the expansion pak. So, you need an expansion pak to play a game, and a GB is optional. This is not only known as "cheap shots", but marketing.

Just out of curiosity, what was your initial reaction to learning that PS2 memory cards will cost $40?


Next, the fact that Nintendo is sticking to videogames, rather than a plethora of modern electronics in one console, appeals to me more. There is more focus going into the gaming in question with the Dolphin, than there is with the PS2. See, with all that cool stuff in there, they've neglected to even get rid of jaggies in their games. And, what happens if your DVD player has to go in for repairs? Oops, no videogames or music for a week either...

Also, you complained about the lack of N64 titles being released in a given amount of time, but consider all the crap titles being released for the PS all the time.

Would you rather wait for the likes of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong 64, and Perfect Dark, or be able to play half-assed Tomb Raider sequels every eight months?


[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited June 06, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

Lets try this again. For some reason now I can not edit a post with out screwing up royal sorry guys.




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Guest 84Elan


I stoped playing PC games for that very reason. My PC or my wallet actuatlly could not keep up with the games Req. So I went to console gaming yeah the games are crappier but hopefully you do not have to worry about the game crashing and freezing up on you or not having enough RAM or Hard drive space to play a friging game.


As for the wait, yeah I do not mind to wait for a game if it is going to be a better game, but the thing is that PD is only better looking the frame rate still sucks it gets jumpy with too many things going on on the screen(ie people or smoke)Why was it delayed so long? The other question I have is why are there not more games of that quality or caliber? Of those games you mentioned two come from the same maker Rare; the other Zelda comes from Nintendo itself, are Rare and Nintendo only making "Quality" games for the 64? I have read that some game producers Acclaim for one have said that they are not going to do 64 games anymore.I asume that is after this latest Turok joke comes out.


As for the $40 mem card yeah that is stiff price but I will buy ONE anyway, every system now seems to have one now. As for Nintendo's marketing I just think for a Co. that has given thier customers anything but a great experiance they should be the last people using that type of marketing stratigy. Make no mistake though if Sony had a popular hand held system they too would try to cross market them but then again they have not dissapointed customers either.


If Nintendo uses the same moto for the Dolphin that they used for the 64 "not more games but better quality games" I fear that the Dolphin will suffer the same fate as the 64 maybe worst, because people already have a bad taste in their mouth from 64.




[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 06, 2000).]

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I must say that evan the original playstation would be better than owning a dolphin. I would have to wait for crappy games like Zelda, Mario this and that, or Donkey Kong. but with PSX there is The FF series, Metal gear Solid, GT1 and GT2, an abundance of GREAT sports games. And while I'm waiting for something to come out on PSX I can go and buy old titles that I missed out on for 15 bucks. So It's big brother the PS2 will be all that and than some. So any one who likes Dolphin better, can go sleep with the fishes.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor


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Guest Acid_Rain327

My friend, you sound like Nintendo trading quantity for quality is a bad thing. The fact that they release good games in intervals, as opposed to releasing crappy games every month shows what a committed, level-headed company they are. Sure, they dont have as many games as Sony, but they're not selling out either...

Sony releases TONS of games a year - real lemons, and they cash in on them.

Nintendo, on the other hand, releases games that have been worked on for some time, and they do it in moderation.

I'm sorry for my lack of vision, but I don't see the latter of the two as antagonistic...


Next, you say you'll willingly pay $40 dollars for a memory card, but $30 dollars for a system-bettering expansion pak is a "cheap shot"? Umm...ok. Again, I don't see where you're coming from. Sure, making games that require the expansion pak is a good way to make money, but how is making games that require a memory card any better? And think about it - Nintendo is selling an accessory which improves the performance of your system for TEN dollars less than an accessory used to save games! Oh yeah, and Nintendo's cartridges have save files on them, so they're saving you money. Particularly with Perfect Dark, which you used as an example of the err in Nintendo's ways.

So...Nintendo creates the $30 expansion pak, then creates games which requires that pak, so they're bad.

Sony creates memory cards which are almost as costly as games, and then creates games which require those memory cards, and they're good.


Personally, I don't think so.



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Guest ShadeShifter

Personally, I am no longer a fan of Nintendo because of the N64's lack of game company support. The back bone of the NES was all of the great companies that made tons of great games for it. Take Capcom for instance. How many games has Capcom released on the N64? Only 1. The reason there are more games on the Plastation is because Sony is company friendly, unlike the new Nintendo.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest 84Elan

Acid I see your point and it is a very valid point yet I guess it all comes down to the eye of the beholder I mean the same argument could go on for Chevy vs Ford or American vs Import each company has somethings that one person likes and another finds not so hot.


The one thing I think that we all can agree on is the 64's analog stick is the best and over all controller design. I love it; it is great for driving games you can simply steer through a corner with out having to keep tapping the button like on PS. That an the trigger is hot too. The whole controller is egronomic. As for the system as a whole I do not like it as much as I used to but that is me. As for all the new consoles the true test of them will come in the comming year so we shall see.


The expansion pack vs the mem pack I can see were you are drawing the line on performance vs just memory. Yet every system now PS,64,PS2,DC has a mem pack that you must buy and I am sure that there will be knock off versions of them to buy at a lowwer price. It is good to have a game use the expansion pack ie Rouge Squad for the 64 that was visually great(thanks too the expansion pk) and sound too. I do not know I guess I am not as big a gammer as I used to be those cartoon type games Mario, Zelda, and especially DK just don't do it for me anymore. I love GT2, Driver and MOH, As well as TPM and JPB. Perfect dark was great till I got to the alien part then the game looks like Turok and the aliens really have no look at all, its like a ball of green with spikes. it kind of turned me off. Oh well happy gameing to all and to all their own system. MTFBWY



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I'm sorry but that comment about the N64 controller is way off base. The dual shock is the best controller there has ever been. Plus you don't have to spend extra money or buy betteries to get it to shake.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I think the N64 controller is WAY better than the Playstation one! It just gives you a better feel, and is great for driving and flight simulators like Rogue Squadron. But I would still go for the Playstation 2 over the Dolphin!



Hunger leads to donuts...



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