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The new consoles!

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest 84Elan

I will with out a doubt get the PS2 and not give the Dolphin the time of day but thats just me. Sorry you do not like the 64 controller Barnabas but I like it a hole lot better than the PS dual shock stick; the PS stick is a shroom not a stick and it is too loose for my taste. Plus the fact that it is so low on the contoller. In order to hold the PS stick with your thumb at 12 0'clock you loose touch with the buttons. BTW. I hear that the Dolphin may be delayed again can any one say big suprise?????


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 07, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

It all depends on the quantity and quality of the game available and that they are reasonably priced.


I could care less about the specs and hype, honestly. I got to see plenty of PS2 games and displays and the Xbox just had some promos and that movie with the ping-pong balls and the dancing robot.


Personally, I'm more impressed with the Dreamcast and it's large library of impressive games already out, but we'll have to wait and see what these others systems can produce.



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Guest Acid_Rain327

Hehehe...the Dolphin has been delayed again?

What about the fact that over 100,000 PS2 consoles had to be recalled in Japan? smile.gif


Anyway, I totally agree with you about the controllers for the systems. The N64 controller is very much more ergonomic, and the Dual Shock controller is difficult to use - when playing games like Tony Hawk, or anything in general, I just use the D-Pad. tongue.gif


And I'm not saying I hate Sony, or any other gaming company; in fact, I own an N64, a PSX, and a Dreamcast - I'm an avid gamer who loves all sorts of games, and I have so many consoles for that reason.

But, what I am saying is that Sony is rather careless with the games they release, and Nintendo seems a bit more self-conscious about what they put out there. There are, of course, huge exceptions to this of course (Superman anyone?).

Then again, it also comes down to contracted agreements console companies have with 2nd and 3rd party companies.

So, not all the blame can be placed on the console companies themselves.


Anyway, this is a great conversation we have going here, Elan. smile.gif

It's cool to be able to talk with other enthusiastic gamers who know what they're talking about, in a reasonable, mature manner.


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