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game degree of difficulty in some areas..


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I really like the game but these puzzles can be arduous.. ...I think they went a bit overboard with some of these puzzles where things aren't nearly as obvious as they could/should be..this is a game but sometimes it feels it has the depth/difficulty of a macgiver episode <G>...now most of the time this is a good thing as it keeps our interest peaked and makes it seem real somehow but sometimes its darn irritataing ! ;-) in not keeping the game flow going due to frustration . I think the game should have included 'hint' previews ie: stuck 'moments',- to avoid having to quit the game and go questing for walkthroughgs/faqs...seriously not to sound like a whinner I just hope the next game they put out in this genre considers the puzzle difficulty level..for example i'im in the jedi trial for my force powers now and some of the jumping puzzles are ridiculous in the way you have to be in the right place to jump a large space between this rock platforms going around the inside of this room to get to next door/forcepowerup...regardless I really like the game as we all do which is why we're I'm here...I just look fwd to some 'inline' hints for those of us that like to 'enjoy' a game without having to fuss and pull out their hair and being late to engagements due to overly difficult puzzles.











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Making the first jump during Jedi Academy--lower the 3 stones and jump up 3 stories---was the most difficult part of the game, by far. At least, for me. AT-AT's and Desann were much easier. It took me days to make that initial jump. Even in replays, that first jump is still a pain. Am I alone?

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Originally posted by imago47

Making the first jump during Jedi Academy--lower the 3 stones and jump up 3 stories---was the most difficult part of the game, by far. At least, for me. AT-AT's and Desann were much easier. It took me days to make that initial jump. Even in replays, that first jump is still a pain. Am I alone?


yeah I was glad to get over that one but once I figured out how the designers meant for jump to take place I was fine...


i'm now past the part I originally watched my friend play and found myself cringing ( bar scene etc. as part of ns_streets) at and finding myself turning into quite the gamer..something I definitey was 'not' a few months ago..doesn't take long :) and its sure fun..fun away from grind of everyday everything else and I'm finding Jedi a thoroughly enjoyable ( other than degree of complexity of 'some' puzzles ) experience..


thx lucasarts etal..





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