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WIP: Old Ben skin/Tyrion model

<JOTD>Jedi Hunter

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Hey... just wanted to say I just started a new old Ben skin. I'm hoping to release it with Icepools skinpack. It is the same Ben Kenobi we all love, but I'm using the Tyrion model. I will be posting screenshots as I progress. I hope I have your support and any comments are welcome. Please don't flame anyone. May the schwartz be with you. :D

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I'll be putting my new skin on hold until further notice. i have decided that I want to give modeling a try. So I'll pick this back up when I have pretty much learned how to make a model... lol. It will probably be a while. Anyways, I have the face and head finished. Well, see ya in the modeling forums.... :)

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cool bro... but just remember there is an obi skin to the tyrion model but it has some problems. i've noticed when i set the skin to a character in single player, the arms get a little buggy. it almost looks like there are hole where you can see tan through the brown robe. i dont know what caused this but i'm just letting you know cause maybe yours will correct this problem. good luck.

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Ahhh...coming along are we? :D Well just to let everone know my comp. is going to be updated in every way (memory, video card, etc.) and my comp. guy is willing to throw in photoshop 7.0....haHA so that means more detailed and better skins :cool:...guess you saw my idea for the kyle/tyrion skin :rolleyes: HeY! If you didnt thats ok, you'll prob. do it better anyway ;)....G/L with this one!



Ttyl :dev14:

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