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jk2 sound editing ..how do you do it?


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Open up the assets0.pk3 located in jk2\gamedata\base (use winzip or get pakscape to open it). Now look for all the sound files inside assets0.pk3, listen to them and find the ones you want to replace. Now to make your sound work in the game you must have them sampled at 44khz (stereo works for me), when that is done rename your files to the exact names of the ones you want to replace, then make a new pk3 file and add your files to it. Be sure the directory structure in your pk3 is correct also (example: for lightsaber sounds the files must be in sound\weapons\saber)


Hope that explains it well enough.

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Even if stereo works, it might still be a good idea to use mono. First of all, if you are making sound effects, the game will anyway need to balance the sound between channels to make the direction of the sound appear right, so stereo may only mean wasted bytes. As far as I can see.

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